Review These people redefine healthcare for me.

These people redefine healthcare for me.
This is a long read; tells how excited I’ve been with Zoe Dental’s Dr. Hall and Dr. Blankson. I’ve frankly never felt the need to extract my wisdom teeth especially when they don’t give me any problems. Besides who wants to take on that amount of pain, right? Right! Ive always had that aversion to taking out my wisdom teeth until my orthodontist explained that I didn’t have enough space in my mouth for movement on installing my braces. That’s when Dr. Blankson and Dr. Hall set me up for surgery!! I was very adamant about the extraction because of the myths surrounding wisdom teeth extraction; the biggest one being the pain. I must confess I have no idea what everyone has been talking about. Apart from my fear of syringes at the onset of my surgery (for anesthesia) the rest of the procedure was a walk in the park and I felt nothing. Dr. Blankson was very professional through it all and constantly explained every step and what he expected me to feel. I could tell he was very good at his job. Post surgery has been excellent, two days in and I haven’t felt a single pain since extraction day.

I suppose people have been getting their teeth extracted the wrong way or by the wrong people; that’s my only explanation because I have no idea what pain or discomfort everyone has been yapping about. Mine has been a cruise and I understand now that the teeth needed to come out as my jaw is feeling more comfortable post surgery. I can’t wait to remove the other wisdom teeth. I’m excited this time!!

Good job Dr. Blankson and Dr. Hall!!

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