Job vacancy Terms of Reference: Production of Videos for the Healthy Future for All Project

02 July, 2024
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Full Time
Job Title

Terms of Reference: Production of Videos for the Healthy Future for All Project

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Company Profile

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy, and WASH to local contexts. SNV has an annual turnover of €130 million, over 1,250 staff in more than 25 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organisation that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence.SNV has worked in Ghana since the 1992 and currently has offices in Accra, Tamale, and Nandom. For more information on SNV, visit our website:

Terms of Reference 

Production of Videos for the Healthy Future for All Project


BackgroundTogether with actors and partners, SNV works towards a deeper, more lasting change towards systems transformation, and we make sure to build capacities for a long-lasting impact. SNV works in more than 20 countries in Africa and Asia. Our team is inspired by the transformational principles and objectives set out by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we are committed to:
  • Building resilient agri-food systems that deliver food security and adequate nutrition.
  • Increasing the reliability and availability of water and sanitation at an acceptable quantity and quality.
  • Improving access to affordable and sustainable energy for all.
  • In doing so, we aim to strengthen institutions, markets and effective governance within and across the agri-food, energy, and water sectors, reducing gender inequalities and barriers to social inclusion and enabling adaptation and mitigation to the climate and biodiversity crises. Currently, SNV in Ghana is implementing the Healthy Future for All (HF4A) project in the Nandom and Lambussie Districts of the Upper West Region. Spanning from 2022 to 2024, HF4A aims to enhance the quality of life for all residents, with a specific focus on improving the hygienic environment for children under 15 years old, both at home and in school. The project aligns with national strategies and supports Ghana's pursuit of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 6, which targets universal access to water and sanitation by 2030. The HF4A project encompasses four main components, each aligned with specific technical outcomes aimed at achieving the overarching goal. These include:
  • Developing Effective Social Behavioural Change (SBC) Interventions
  • Strengthening Supply Chains, Services, and Finance for Water and Sanitation
  • Improving Functionality of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
  • Strengthening WASH Governance and Increasing Inclusiveness
  • Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA)
  • Objective of AssignmentSNV Ghana is looking for an experienced video production team to lead the video production and finalization process for several videos intended to:
  • Highlight the achievement and impact of the HF4A project’s results enhancing WASH in the target districts.
  • Give visibility to SNV’s unique approaches in strengthening systems for lasting development.
  • Promote the brand awareness and visibility of the main donor, the Helmsley Charitable Trust as well as SNV Ghana.
  • Sensitize target groups on desired WASH behaviors.
  • Services and Tasks
    The video production team will work with the HF4A Advisors to record high quality footage and audio by interviewing service recipients, donors, and partners. The team will also train officers of the HF4A project on basic photography of project events, activities, and images for impact stories in a one-day session.

    DeliverablesThe consultant will produce a total of six (6) videos including:
  • HF4A documentary: A 15-25 minutes (max) documentary that focuses on WASH in Ghana, the impact of the HF4A Project and its partnership with local and private stakeholders to support sustainable development of governance frameworks, market linkages and the transition of communities into open defecation free (ODF) status. Interviews will include the Nandom and Lambussie District Assemblies, including Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, Nandom Rural Bank, service recipients and implementing partners in both districts and national level partners in Wa and Accra.
  • Skills development and Entrepreneurship Impact Video: A video highlighting skills development provided to youth and women groups. It will also focus on efforts to promote WASH entrepreneurship and SMEs under the HF4A Project. Participants of skills development trainings and business advisory center will be interviewed. This video videos will have a maximum of 5 minutes duration.
  • Behavior Change Communication impact story: This will highlight behavior change activities and its impact on communities especially where the CLTS approach has been implemented. Interviews will be at the community level engaging traditional leaders, natural leaders and WASH Champions. This video will have a maximum of 5 minutes duration with a short version of 35 seconds – 1:15 minutes for social media.
  • Access to finance video: This will showcase how the provision of financial products through the HF4A revolving fund implemented in partnership with Nandom Rural Bank has eased financing of household and SME WASH needs. Interviews will be at the district level involving the bank and loan beneficiaries. This video will have a maximum of 5 minutes duration with a short version of 35 seconds – 1:15 minutes for social media.
  • Infrastructure Support Video: This will highlight water and sanitation infrastructure provided by the project in communities, schools and health facilities. Interviews will cover the sustainability strategies employed to ensure proper management and use of water systems. Interviews will be at the district and community level engaging assembly staff, community members and water management teams. This video will have a maximum of 5 minutes duration with a short version of 35 seconds – 1:15 minutes for social media.
  • Sensitization video: The consultant will review, direct and film a 15 - 20 minutes drama performed by a selected school for community sensitization. This short drama will highlight desired WASH practices emphasizing the adverse effects of the lack of it. 
  • Aside the documentary and sensitization video, all impact videos will have teasers of 10-25 seconds max. The Consultant will also provide at least 50 different action images of each interviewee.
  • Activities and Responsibilities The Video Production team will be responsible for the following:
  • Providing high quality video and audio interviews of identified interviewees.
  • Film establishing and closing shots that capture the contexts and environments of the interviewees.
  • Piecing together raw footage to create a storyline and inserting provided captions and subtitles in sync with speakers.
  • Using provided visibility materials by the HF4A project such as logos, disclaimers, and end credits.
  • Providing soft copies of the videos and all raw footage collected. 
  •  NB: The final sets of raw and edited digital images and videos will be delivered on portable storage devices (as requested) to HF4A.
  • Provide a bank of at least 50 professional action images per interviewee for videos filmed and edited.
  • Train project staff on basic photography of project events, activities, and images for impact stories in a one-day session. This will include practical demonstration with the project’s camera.
  • Timing/Duration of AssignmentDuration: Duration of filming is expected to be:The contract with the service provider will fall under the HF4A Project’s Service Agreement and is expected to be commence in August and completed within five (5) months after signing. Transportation to and from filming sites as well as accommodation will be provided to consultants (maximum 3 crew members) by SNV Ghana. 

    Education Required: Qualified

    Valid Till
    12 Jul, 2024 (7 days left)

    JOB BY
    59 Okodan St, Blue Gate district, Osu, Accra near Papaye, Accra
      +233 0302 760143, +233 24 3925110

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