Akate Farms & Trading Co. Ltd. - Kumasi, Ghana
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Company name
Akate Farms & Trading Co. Ltd.
Dote Junction, Buokrom Estate, P. O. Box ST 97, Kumasi, Ghana
Contact number
+233 03220 70500
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Akate Farms and Trading company LTD is a versatile and pronouned poultry farm in Ghana, established by Alhaji Abdul Salam Akate in 1987. The business began as a small poultry farm at Dote, a suburb in Kumasi with 1,500 layers and 800 broilers. Through our dedicated services and hard work, the company has developed dramatically over the years and is now regarded as the biggest poultry industry in Ghana. The farm’s hatchery has a setter capacity of 691,000 eggs and a Hatcher capacity of 115,000 eggs while current day old chick(DOC) production is about 80,000 per week which is distributed to poultry farmers throughout the country. Akate Farms has also set up a six – ton per hour capacity feed mill for producing poultry feed for our own consumption and for supply to small and medium scale
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poultry farms all over Ghana. Not only do we specialise in poultry, we are also engaged in other agricultural productions including; rearing ruminants(cattle and sheep), Fish farming, Plantain, mango and pineapple cultivation.Location map
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Questions & Answers
Do you have rhode inland red and australoup black day old layer chicks? If yes, how much per one? If I pay, how long would it take me to get them ready?
Please is it possible to get 150 day old chicks transported to Bolga? What is the cost?
Pls how is the cost chicken layer cage system containing 100 layers 2. a cost of old day layer 3. a cost point lay chicks
Please can you send me the price list of your day old poultry, turkey, guinea fowl chicks in Tamale?
How much is the price of a day old brown layer
What are the current activities of Akate Farms regarding small scale maize farmers in the Sissala East District?
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