CBI Ghana - Tema
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CBI Ghana
Free Zones Enclave, Tema, Ghana
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Company description
CBI Ghana (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries) is an organization that supports the growth and development of Ghanaian businesses by facilitating trade and market access, particularly for exports to Europe. CBI Ghana operates as part of the larger CBI initiative, which is aimed at helping companies in developing countries enhance their competitiveness and expand into international markets.
CBI Ghana focuses on providing technical assistance, training, and guidance to local businesses in sectors such as agriculture, food processing, textiles, and handicrafts. By helping these companies meet international standards and improve their production processes, CBI Ghana ensures that Ghanaian products can successfully compete in global markets, particularly in
Additionally, CBI Ghana offers support in areas like market research, product development, and branding to increase the visibility and appeal of Ghanaian exports. Through this, the organization helps to strengthen the local economy, create jobs, and promote sustainable development in Ghana. CBI Ghana works closely with the Ghanaian government, industry associations, and private companies to boost export activities and foster long-term economic growth.
CBI Ghana focuses on providing technical assistance, training, and guidance to local businesses in sectors such as agriculture, food processing, textiles, and handicrafts. By helping these companies meet international standards and improve their production processes, CBI Ghana ensures that Ghanaian products can successfully compete in global markets, particularly in
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Europe.Additionally, CBI Ghana offers support in areas like market research, product development, and branding to increase the visibility and appeal of Ghanaian exports. Through this, the organization helps to strengthen the local economy, create jobs, and promote sustainable development in Ghana. CBI Ghana works closely with the Ghanaian government, industry associations, and private companies to boost export activities and foster long-term economic growth.
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