Centerpoint Africa - Accra, Ghana
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Company name
Centerpoint Africa
10 Julius Nyerere Rd, Accra, Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: Closed
- Wednesday: Closed
- Thursday: Closed
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Centerpoint is a multi-disciplined company that aims to offer a turnkey or bespoke solution to the food retail, property development, and hospitality industry.
We strive to create invaluable relationships with all our stakeholders and clients, by doing this we establish formidable partnerships in the marketplace.
Our expertise is focused on property development, IT, Finance, Sales and Marketing, HR, Hotel, and Facility Management. We are uniquely equipped to add meaningful value to your business needs, allowing you to excel and optimize your performance, ultimately achieving your objectives, aspirations, and dreams.
Our company name Centerpoint was inspired by the center of the earth 0°N 0°E (greenage and meridien lines) and therefore the center of the world. However, the closest
At Centerpoint our quest is to create a better world and a future for all the lives we touch. Our diverse team has extensive experience in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, but more importantly Ghana and Africa. We aim to offer business solutions allowing your enterprise to thrive.
We strive to create invaluable relationships with all our stakeholders and clients, by doing this we establish formidable partnerships in the marketplace.
Our expertise is focused on property development, IT, Finance, Sales and Marketing, HR, Hotel, and Facility Management. We are uniquely equipped to add meaningful value to your business needs, allowing you to excel and optimize your performance, ultimately achieving your objectives, aspirations, and dreams.
Our company name Centerpoint was inspired by the center of the earth 0°N 0°E (greenage and meridien lines) and therefore the center of the world. However, the closest
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country is Ghana, in Africa, with its most southern peninsula Cape Three Points being the nearest land area to the earth’s center. This centricity is reflected in our client, team and stakeholder engagements as they are the center of our world, we are always at your service.At Centerpoint our quest is to create a better world and a future for all the lives we touch. Our diverse team has extensive experience in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, but more importantly Ghana and Africa. We aim to offer business solutions allowing your enterprise to thrive.
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