Phasers Integrated Systems - Accra, Ghana
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Company name
Phasers Integrated Systems
Digital Add: GA-496-8496, Rita Lane, Kwashieman, Accra, Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
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Company description
At Phasers, we have one thing in mind, and that is our customers! This has inspired our desire to always provide you with genuine and professional sound gear and musical instruments at Affordable prices.
Phasers Integrated Systems was established in 2007 as an engineering consultancy firm. It provided various consultancy services including project management, technical feasibility analysis and operations systems audits.
The founder, who had garnered good experience as a sound engineer had long been providing training and voluntary sound reinforcement services to various houses of worship and musicians. The growing demand for his services along with his passion for music and sound led him to diversify the main stay of the business into sound and media systems integration and
With limited availability of certain critical sound equipment and the advent of counterfeit products, the business ventured into international product dealerships & imports for its projects. The international dealerships in combination with our knowledge in room acoustics and sound systems modelling and simulation had allowed us to undertake various successful projects to diverse clients.
Along the line, the company launched its retail shop from where it sold and distributed various pro-audio equipment and musical instruments.
Phasers Integrated Systems was established in 2007 as an engineering consultancy firm. It provided various consultancy services including project management, technical feasibility analysis and operations systems audits.
The founder, who had garnered good experience as a sound engineer had long been providing training and voluntary sound reinforcement services to various houses of worship and musicians. The growing demand for his services along with his passion for music and sound led him to diversify the main stay of the business into sound and media systems integration and
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contractor services provider by 2011.With limited availability of certain critical sound equipment and the advent of counterfeit products, the business ventured into international product dealerships & imports for its projects. The international dealerships in combination with our knowledge in room acoustics and sound systems modelling and simulation had allowed us to undertake various successful projects to diverse clients.
Along the line, the company launched its retail shop from where it sold and distributed various pro-audio equipment and musical instruments.
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