Tekchills Foundation - Accra, Ghana
Empowering youth through technology and skills.
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Company name
Tekchills Foundation
Afede St, Ho, Accra, Ghana
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11-50E-mail address
Company description
TEKCHILLS Foundation is a licensed non-profit organization incorporated in accordance with the Companies Act 179,1963 (Now Act 992, 2019) of the Republic of Ghana. Our mission is to empower disadvantaged, deprived, and rural communities in breaking the cycle of poverty, inferiority complex, and illiteracy. To reach this goal, the Foundation works in partnership with philanthropists, and international & local organizations to;
1. Gather the necessary resources to meet the identified needs and priorities of these communities,
2. Develop and strengthen the skills they need to make positive long-term changes.
We strive to ensure that quality education is accessible to all individuals in deprived communities, by improving existing educational infrastructures and systems in order
1. Gather the necessary resources to meet the identified needs and priorities of these communities,
2. Develop and strengthen the skills they need to make positive long-term changes.
We strive to ensure that quality education is accessible to all individuals in deprived communities, by improving existing educational infrastructures and systems in order
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to reach the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 4 – QUALITY EDUCATION. We also ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being of all at all ages by providing healthcare for the needy and hosting health-related campaigns in an attempt to achieve SDG No. 3 – GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. In addition, we provide clean, safe, and accessible water for all, as well as improve upon the sanitation of communities in order to reach SDG No. 6 – CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION. We also provide funds and tools to farmers in deprived communities to help them venture into agriculture, reducing hunger and eradLocation map
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