Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana - Accra

Innovative fire-resistant coatings for safety.
Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana
Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana
Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana
Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana
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    With Us
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Nofire Paints Ghana _ Nofire Technologies Ghana
Ramia House, Kojo-Thompson Road, Adabraka, Tudu, Accra, Ghana
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Working hours
  • Monday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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Company description
Nofire is the best fire fighting paint used to provide fire solution in industrial, commercial and domestic applications.

Typical applications of Nofire Paint include fire solutions, stopping and preventing the spread of fire in Homes, Offices, Banks, Strong Rooms, Factories, Electrical rooms, Power Substations, Server rooms, UPS rooms, Data Centers, Generator Rooms, Engine Rooms, Chemical Stores, Paint Stores, AC Rooms, Flammable Chemical & Fuel Holding Tanks, Electricity Poles, Electrical Cables, Wooden Structures, Steel Structures, Fiberglass, Fiberboard, Ceilings, Bulk-Heads, Composites, Escape Routes, Fire prone areas in buildings, installations, facilities etc.

NoFire Technologies, Inc. develops and manufactures the highest performance, nontoxic and environmentally safe  
Show more Fire-Retardant Paint, Products and Systems using the most advanced technology available worldwide.
NoFire Technologies manufactures its products and systems using the highest quality ingredients, according to strict guidelines, rigorous quality assurance and standards to provide the “ultimate solution in its Fire-Retardant Paints, Products and Systems” for use in Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Maritime and Military applications worldwide.

NoFire is a leader in developing and manufacturing patented products and technologies to increase effectiveness of fire protection to meet all the above requirements. The Products substantially STOPS FIRE, reduces and or eliminates the potential for “FLASHOVER” in a structural fire, and effectively increases the “FIRE RESISTANCE” of many material or surface (Wood, Concrete, Composites, Plastics, Ceilings, Bulkheads etc.), eliminating collateral damage caused by Fire to Buildings and Properties.

NoFire Paint/coatings belong to a class of materials called INTUMESCENTS, which means the paint foams and expands in size when heated, thereby forming a “Fire Retarding” Protective Shield or Barrier between the Fire and Coated Surface. NoFire Paint/coating is like ordinary latex paints in appearance and application to a surface.

NoFire Paints/coating is certified GREEN, it is environmentally safe, and it is easy to apply with ordinary equipment (Roller, Brush and by Spraying). It effectively adheres to many surfaces and provides a durable and long-lasting finish.

NoFire’s proprietary products are covered under eleven (11) U.S.A and PCT patents and patents pending on fire retardant intumescent coatings, fire retardant wraps, and fire-retardant systems for nuclear, military, maritime, residential, commercial, industrial and transportation applications. In addition, the NoFire Products have been certified and approved according to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requirements for the International Maritime Organization (IMO), U.S. Coast Guard, Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL), U.S. Navy and various Military standards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (“NRC”), American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”), and American Society for Testing and Materials (“ASTM”) guidelines (among many others).

Nofire Products provide passive fire protection: that is, they have no moving parts, require no maintenance, and do not fail in activating as could happen to sprinkler systems and other active firefighting systems. NoFire Paints/Coatings work to contain, Retard, Stop and Prevent the spread of fires. It Retards the conditions that would permit a localized fire to erupt into a large or uncontrolled fire, which occurs in all structural fires - a condition known as “FLASHOVER”.

Industries that currently use NoFire coatings include Civil, Maritime, Military, Ships and Land vehicles, Nuclear Power Plants, Construction, Commercial and Industrial Properties, Wood Products and Manufacturing, Government, Public and Private Housing, Hotels, Automotive, Railway, and Airports etc.


NFTI manufactures the highest performing, water-base, fire retardant coatings available anywhere. Tested to over 2000°F (1093°C), NoFire Coatings are effective in protecting, wood, steel, aluminum, walls, concrete and a variety of composite materials.

Looking for a cost-effective way to provide 2 or 3 hour protection to structural steel? Consider NoFire S-Barrier, a fiberglass-based wrapping system, treated with NoFire that significantly reduces labor time and expense, lasts indefinitely and is UL 723 approved performing to ASTM E119 standards..

When it comes to sophisticated industrial applications, NFTI realizes that one size does not fit all.
Technological advancements and innovation require out-of-the-box solutions. Let NFTI’s experience help your project succeed with a solution oriented approach to R&D.


NoFire can be used in office buildings, public housing and apartment buildings and other high-rise buildings.

Uses include:
• Stairwells and public access areas
• Utility & Electrical rooms, Server & Data Rooms, indoor Electrical Sub-stations etc.
• Kitchens
• Cafeteria’s and executive dining rooms
• Elevator Lobbies - both freight and passenger
• Mechanical rooms, storage and garbage retention rooms.
• Escape routes

Additionally, warehouse and manufacturing areas of plants, previously painted with oil base paints, are fire hazards and can be effectively protected by NoFire.

In areas where there is a potential for exposure to water (such as kitchens, bathrooms, etc.) or areas requiring additional protection, against dirt, fingerprints, or high traffic areas, top coats such as water based polyurethanes, acrylic, and alkyd paints, all rated for interior use is recommended as a topcoat to NoFire.

Fire protection of homes and other building facilities can be substantially increased by using NoFire and eliminating potential breaches. The degree of protection increases substantially with each potential breach eliminated.

1.The basic level of protection includes coating the walls and ceilings with NoFire. This effectively eliminates these surfaces as flame paths, reduces heat penetration through the wall to other rooms and most importantly, reduces the risk of flashover (the fire ball effect).

2.Ideally, all vents including air conditioning and hot air registers should have fire dampers installed.

3.Doors are usually a weak link. Ideally, they should be solid core with fire rated hardware. Hollow core doors, sculptured doors, and panel doors can be substantially improved by applying a double spray coat of NoFire, with several hours of drying time between coats. This will afford some degree of protection and help contain a fire to the room of origin.

4.When you survey the interior of your home or building facility, look for all potential breaches.

5.Interior colors can be closely matched only by your distributor who has the special pigments compatible with the NoFire fire retardants. NEVER ADD COLOR OR PIGMENTS TO THE MATERIAL YOURSELF. This could radically affect NoFire’s fire retardant properties.

6.Any alteration of the NoFire product voids the warranty and certifications.

For exterior applications NoFire is used as a (white) undercoat. The exterior topcoat should be selected from the recommended topcoat list. Topcoats may be selected from: epoxies, urethanes, acrylic latex paint, and alkyd paints, all rated for exterior use. The selection depends on the application, including severity of exposure, appearance requirements and ease of application. For recommendations on specific application, contact NoFire’s Technical Department.

NoFire can be applied directly over any previously painted surface, provided the surface is properly prepared. Preparation is identical to that of an ordinary paint job. If the surface requires a primer, for example, on open grain woods or surfaces with large amounts of loose materials, use the recommended primer for the surface. Be sure the primer is thoroughly dried and cured before applying NoFire.

Please Note:

To provide proper fire protection for residential homes (or a building facility) the following is strongly recommended:

1.The roof must be fire rated with a minimum of a ‘C’ rating (an ‘A’ or ‘B’ rating is highly preferred). The absence of a rated roof eliminates the home as a candidate for comprehensive fire protection.

2.All openings in the eaves should have fire dampers installed.

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