Thomest Publicity - Kumasi, Ghana

1 Review
Thomest Publicity
  • Verified
  • +5Years
    With Us
Company name
Thomest Publicity
BOX 206, Oduom, Kumasi, Ghana
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
  • Monday: 9am - 4pm
  • Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
  • Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
  • Thursday: 9am - 4pm
  • Friday: 9am - 4pm
  • Saturday: 9am - 12pm
  • Sunday: Closed
Company manager
George Osei Agyei
Establishment year
E-mail address
Company description
About Us
Thomest Publicity is an Advertising Management Firm, a full-service company. We create and develop advertising campaign strategies and manage AD accounts for businesses, both small and large, corporate event organizers, ministries and churches and individuals.
To become the fastest and most reliable mass communication network and strategist in the world.
To provide excellent, innovative and world class advertising and marketing experience through optimization of state-of-the-art advertising and marketing techniques and tools.
Aims and Objectives
1. To enhance enterprise expansion
2. To champion the course of active participation in worthwhile functions, occasions and events.
Core Values
1. Creativity
2. Simplicity
3. Passion
4. Professionalism
Show more Excellence
Business Areas
Our business focus is mainly;
1. Product Advertising
2. Event Promotion
What We Do
We manage advertising campaigns for clients namely businesses and event planners by generating the right advertising mix including social media packages that helps them achieve their advertising/marketing goals and objectives.
Why Advertising Management?
The primary objective of advertising is to get the word out that you have something exciting to offer; anything from an upcoming event you're promoting, a new product line you're selling, a political campaign you're managing, the expansion of an existing platform of services etc. Getting your products or services to interested parties is crucial for the success of your business or group and that is why you need a very great hand in ensuring that you reach your target audience or customers. Businesses with the objectives below should contact us for a professional, organized, systematic and effective advertising services that will see their business’ productivity skyrocket.
1. Brand Awareness
2. Increase Sales
3. Increase Website Traffic
4. Increase App Installs and Engagement
5. Generate More Leads
Why Us?
Consistent with our brand promise and based on the understanding of clients, TP offers to provide customized services to meet the specific advertising and marketing needs of clients that gives them better overall return-on-investment (ROI) for their brands.
Our Services
Generally, as an advertising management company our services include the following.

Graphic Designing & Print Advertising
This service involves creating logos, flyers, motion graphics and animations that give businesses the stunning brand look, feel and identity that resonates effectively with consumers.
Graphic design has a big role to play in the modern competitive business environment and therefore businesses need the services of graphic designers to create impressive marketing materials. We also do printing of banners, stickers, flyers, posters etc.

Website Designing
Involves the creation of websites for businesses to represent their brands online in order to target more and international business prospects. This is important because it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. The impression you make on them can either get them to remain on your page and learn more about your business which means greater chance of conversion rate for your products or services or leave your page and turn to a competitor.

Social Media Marketing & Management
By regular updating the right social media marketing strategy, it will lead to increased traffic, better SEO, improved brand loyalty, healthier customer satisfaction and much more. This is what we do at Thomest Publicity, this service offering involves creating social media campaigns based on clients’ sales or marketing objectives and also managing social media presence and platforms for clients.

Digital Marketing Strategy
DMS involves creation of advertising and marketing plans aimed at targeting customer prospects of clients on digital platforms. Having a digital marketing strategy allows businesses compete with much smaller advertising budget and when managed effectively gives them laser-focused control over where and how they spend their money.

Blogging Services
This involves writing on relevant topics for clients’ blogs and websites. What happens here is that based on the topic chosen by the client, we undertake a research on the topic and produce an article from it. This means creating and sharing relevant, valuable and free content to attract and convert prospects into customers. The marketplace we live in now is different from the ones our predecessors started. Sales personnel and business owners used to be experts in their field of work but today, the buyer is the expert because according to research, 81% research online before setting foot in the store to buy and you need to level the playfield as a business to win customers loyalty and trust by creating quality content.

Contact Details
Tel: +233 (0) 32 206 1713
WhatsApp: 024 118 3175
Social Media Handles
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube: Thomest Publicity
Location map

Products & Services 3

  • Graphic Designing
    Graphic Designing
    This service involves creating logos, flyers, motion graphic...
  • Social Media Marketing and Management
    Social Media Marketing and Management
    By regular updating the right social media marketing strateg...
  • Website Designing
    Website Designing
    Involves the creation of websites for businesses to represen...


1 Review
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Great Promoters
Thomest publicity did a great job at promoting our event. We had a lot to enjoy for this tremendous service rendered to us. Our team was very impressed for your good work done. We hope to do a lot more business with you. Thanks.

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