Global diplomacy promoting peace and development.
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World Diplomatic Organization (WDO)
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The Diplomats Without Borders (DWB), also known as The World Diplomatic Organization (WDO), is a prestigious global network of Diplomats, Peace Ambassadors, Social Activists and humanitarians. It is a Non-Profit Charity organization founded by Ambassador (John Vinzelts) a Ghanaian Peace Diplomat, with the objective to promote Peace, Diplomacy, Leadership and Humanitarian services. The organization is a fully-fledged large network of Volunteers with international membership status, serving as global representatives of the Organization in their home countries.

Members of the World Diplomatic Organization believe that economic diplomacy provides a solid foundation for international understanding and a more peaceful interaction among nations. A thriving economy bringing prosperity to  
Show more mankind is one of the best guarantors of peace.

Based on this recognition, the World Diplomatic Organization has transformed its goal of promoting international understanding into an economic mandate. The organization welcomes individuals from diplomacy, leadership, economy, governance and society who enjoy high degrees of acceptance, high levels of expertise and who pursue the same visions and values.

The World Diplomatic Organization is driven by active members from diplomacy, Leadership, economy, governance and society who are honored and committed to help develop mutually beneficial business relationships, encourage intercultural relations, enhance international understanding and promote more peaceful relations among nations.

In a world that demands the intersection of Diplomacy, Leadership, governance and economic competency, social entrepreneurship, and diplomatic skills, a think tank uniting diplomacy and business is crucial.
The World Diplomatic Organization (WDO), as an “Organization Diplomatiques” intends to promote alliance and cultural cooperation through the exchange of documents, the organization of conferences, concerts, and events of various kinds, and publications. It promotes solidarity between people and individuals and the full realization of the basic rights of man, as inspired by the principles upheld by the United Nations Organisation.

Its aim is to satisfy primary needs and in the first place to safeguard human life, work and the family, as the first and irreplaceable nucleus of society, and to remedy insufficiency in the food supply to the refugees and war victims in asylums and to give the highest value to human resources.
The WDO intends to guarantee the actual equality of the sexes, supporting and ensuring the inclusion of women in all activities, including politics. The organisation defends liberty as an indispensable condition for the dignity of the individual and the harmonious and complete development of the human personality, respecting the sentiments and ideas of others, of all religions, and all political ideologies; It cultivates the culture of peace and Diplomacy in the world, rejecting war as a solution of international controversies and violence under any form whatsoever, always substituting conflict by dialogue and encounter. To achieve these objectives, the WDO conducts a wide range of development and educational projects, including the creation of training centres and courses.

WDO contributes by all possible means – through the press, television, radio, economic publications, Summits, international conferences and events, etc. – to the popular diffusion, especially among the young, of the human rights proclaimed in the “Universal Declaration of the United Nations” on 15th December 1948 in New York.
To carry out the activities necessary for its statutory aims, the organisation relies predominantly on the voluntary persons and free-of-charge services of its own corresponding members.


The World Diplomatic Summit (WDS) is an International, independent, not-for-profit organization, dedicated to facilitating the global exchange of ideas and knowledge, and building bridges for understanding and cooperation.
World Diplomatic Summit (WDS) engages diverse voices alongside major players in international affairs to create effective solutions to the most challenging pressing issues, both current and emerging.
.World Diplomatic Summit (WDS) provides a direct channel of interaction among diplomatic stakeholders around the world. We foster sustainable partnerships among diplomatic services, government agencies, politicians, thought leaders, media, IGOs and NGOs, academics, and the private sector.
We support and enhance the important efforts of the diplomatic community by providing objective research, analysis and reports, as well as hosting high-profile events and summits.


Digital capabilities are crucial to capitalizing on the soft and hard powers countries possess. The far reach of online platforms makes them valuable tools for reaching a global audience in policy communications. Increasingly, people tend to use online channels as their main sources of information to gain knowledge about various subjects. Thus, these channels are increasingly impacting the perceptions, perspectives, and behaviors of people worldwide. Governments and their affiliates can use online platforms not only to reach audiences for their cultural and trade offerings, but also to detect security threats, as digital capabilities prepare nations to protect their economic and military resources against cyber attacks. In addition, these capabilities are reinvigorating traditional diplomacy between state officials, as they allow for the efficient use of time during meetings and in communications with counterparts and colleagues in different countries without the need to physically travel. Gradually, more countries will make use of cyberspace and allocate resources to digital diplomacy to take on the presented opportunities rather than being deterred by their potential risks.


Diplomacy is a multi-stakeholder process that involves a variety of actors apart from the state. Although in many parts of the world, these stakeholders are part of the state system, gradually more stakeholders are acting independently from the state. These actors, including non-governmental organizations, private companies, academics, charities, and the media, often independently engage with their counterparts as well as other global stakeholders, which can play a considerable role in shaping a nation’s foreign relations. In countries where these stakeholders fall under the umbrella of the state system, the framework of action is pre-defined and the possibility of taking initiative is limited. However, independent agents can define their own raison d’être and identify countries, actors, and ways of engagement to create additional opportunities for their respective countries. Independence triggers stakeholders’ entrepreneurialism in global engagement and leads countries to increased opportunities.


The World Diplomatic Summit is a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of the world. Each year, the Summit sets the agenda for the next generation of emerging Leaders & Diplomats, focusing on how they can harness innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing humanity.


The World Diplomatic Summit is a neutral, non-profit organization at the intersection of Diplomacy and Leadership. It functions as a knowledge exchange platform for leaders, Diplomats, Policy makers, think thanks in the public and private sectors to convene and collaborate with world-renowned experts to create a positive impact for citizens worldwide.
The Annual Gathering of the World Diplomatic Summit for 2019, will be held in several countries including, Nepal, United Kingdom, Jordan, Tanzania, Ghana, United Arabs Emirates, to hosts over 4000 participants and invites world leaders, international organizations’ representatives, thinkers, and experts from over 150 countries.


An initiative launched under the patronage of The High Commissioner of the Organization, organized by the High Commissioner, the initiative represents a unique opportunity for youth to present their brightest ideas for solving societal, economic, educational and environmental issues in the world to a group of investors, stakeholders, and key decision makers. Identifying the most promising ideas and projects from around the world, the High Commissioner’s Pitches will be the platform that gives the youth the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world through implementing innovative solutions that help shape the future.

Today, people across the globe are communicating and moving at a faster pace, and as such, expectations of service delivery and experience are on the rise. From work styles to urban services, digital technologies have now created a new era of citizen behavior. This shift in expectations and behavior has now brought new challenges and demands for all organizations – including governments. With this new generation of citizens, delivering high quality government services has become a new challenge and target for governments around the world.

The inaugural World Diplomatic Summit convene senior leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss how governments today are reshaping service delivery and the expected future of government services. The closed forum will dive into an array of topics, including changing citizen expectations and their impact on government services; how governments around the world are meeting these expectations and delivering exceptional service experiences; and how government services may evolve over the next 20 years. The forum will also aim to continue the discourse through the formation of a community focused on shaping the global agenda of government services.

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Embassies & Consulates
World Diplomatic Organization

Products & Services 3

  • World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    LONDON, UK (8TH - 9TH NOVEMBER 2019)
  • World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    DUBAI, UAE (19th – 20th AUGUST 2020)
  • World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    World Diplomatic Summit (WDS)
    ACCRA, GHANA (AUG 2021)


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