Herbal GH - Accra, Ghana
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Herbal GH
Accra, Ghana
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nana APPIAHEstablishment year
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The GOODNESS OF GINSENG 1. It increases your supply of blood and regulates your blood pressure. 2.It makes your body stronger. Ginseng cleanses your system. 3.Ginseng gives you “chi” ie. VITALITY (Energy). 4.Ginseng does not really cure cancer or diabetes or anything specific. But it strengthens your immune system to fight diseases.
EDMARK'S GINSENG COFFEE BENEFITS: 1. Sharpen the mind and memory 2. Accelerate Visual and auditory responses 3. Increase concentration 4. Lower and remove bad cholesterol 5. Lower blood pressure 6. Maximize oxygen intake 7. Increase aerobic activity 8. Lower heart rate during exercise 9. Increase Anti-oxidants in the body 10. Prevents Cancer. The caffeine content is 0.05%.
1 BOX CONTAINS 18g x 20 SACHETS = 216g in a Pack
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Our healthy coffee is for people who want to stay AWAKE and achieve their goals!
If you sit behind the computer a lot, then this is your PREFERRED DRINK for your eyes!
Get your Healthy Ginseng Coffee today!
TAGS: fitness, health care, nutrition, vitamin nutrition, supplements nutrition, wellness, good health, vitamins nutrition supplements, nutrition facts, nutrition health, weight loss, weight loss fast, weight loss quick, weight loss diet, weight loss program, health and nutrition, health and wellness, food supplements, dietary fiber, fiber, reduce wrinkle, blood, immune system, heart, hgh, live longer, look younger, get stronger, coffee, beverage, healthy coffee, human growth hormone, ph balance, water, superfood
EDMARK'S GINSENG COFFEE BENEFITS: 1. Sharpen the mind and memory 2. Accelerate Visual and auditory responses 3. Increase concentration 4. Lower and remove bad cholesterol 5. Lower blood pressure 6. Maximize oxygen intake 7. Increase aerobic activity 8. Lower heart rate during exercise 9. Increase Anti-oxidants in the body 10. Prevents Cancer. The caffeine content is 0.05%.
1 BOX CONTAINS 18g x 20 SACHETS = 216g in a Pack
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information.Our healthy coffee is for people who want to stay AWAKE and achieve their goals!
If you sit behind the computer a lot, then this is your PREFERRED DRINK for your eyes!
Get your Healthy Ginseng Coffee today!
TAGS: fitness, health care, nutrition, vitamin nutrition, supplements nutrition, wellness, good health, vitamins nutrition supplements, nutrition facts, nutrition health, weight loss, weight loss fast, weight loss quick, weight loss diet, weight loss program, health and nutrition, health and wellness, food supplements, dietary fiber, fiber, reduce wrinkle, blood, immune system, heart, hgh, live longer, look younger, get stronger, coffee, beverage, healthy coffee, human growth hormone, ph balance, water, superfood
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Products & Services 3
- GINSENG COFFEEEThe GOODNESS OF GINSENG 1. It increases your supply of blood...
- GINSENG COFFEEEThe GOODNESS OF GINSENG 1. It increases your supply of blood...
- GINSENG COFFEEEThe GOODNESS OF GINSENG 1. It increases your supply of blood...
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