Niwi International - Kumasi, Ghana
0.00 Reviews
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Listing - +6Years
With Us
Company name
Niwi International
Location bp201 bohyen ksi, Kumasi, Ghana
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 9:00am
- Tuesday: 9:00am
- Wednesday: 9:00am
- Thursday: 9:00am
- Friday: 9:00am
- Saturday: 9:00am
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
JoseEstablishment year
26-50Registration code
00233E-mail address
Company description
The Opportunity
There is an abundance of networking opportunities that constantly barrage people, like you, who have come to the realization that networking is an excellent way to develop a secondary source of income. In many cases, it is a way to develop a steady stream of residual income.
Despite the fact that networking is an excellent way for the “ordinary Joe” to get ahead financially (to a more secure state of financial stability and financial freedom), there are more people who fail in this great industry than people who succeed in networking. As a matter of fact, the percentage of people who not only fail, but actually lose money in networking is a whopping 99.25 percent!
At Niwi International, we are not only extremely passionate about the networking industry, but we
There is an abundance of networking opportunities that constantly barrage people, like you, who have come to the realization that networking is an excellent way to develop a secondary source of income. In many cases, it is a way to develop a steady stream of residual income.
Despite the fact that networking is an excellent way for the “ordinary Joe” to get ahead financially (to a more secure state of financial stability and financial freedom), there are more people who fail in this great industry than people who succeed in networking. As a matter of fact, the percentage of people who not only fail, but actually lose money in networking is a whopping 99.25 percent!
At Niwi International, we are not only extremely passionate about the networking industry, but we
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are also very committed to improving the percentage of people who succeed… who “WIN!”—in networking.Listed in categories
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