Visual Monarch Ltd - Tema, Ghana
Innovative design solutions for digital marketing.
Visual Monarch Ltd
1 Review
Visual Monarch LtdCommunity 220552901485
- Verified
Listing - +6Years
With Us
Company name
Visual Monarch Ltd
Community 22, Tema, Ghana
Contact number
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Friday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am-5:00pm
- Sunday: 2:00pm-6:00pm
Company manager
Samuel Selassie BansahEstablishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
We are painting and decor experts who deliver excellent and professional services with class through:
1. Timely delivery of services - we believe that one very important way to show clients respect is by respecting their time through effect communication and meeting deadlines. And we do just that!
2. Professionalism - As a well-structured company with every individual role clearly defined, we have highly trained staff who conduct themselves in an appropriate manner on the job. They know when to do what and are familiar with basic work ethics to ensure they are delivering high quality service.
3. Safety - We ensure that our operations are in conformity with industry and international safety standards.
4. Efficiency - We work as a team to ensure work is carried out effectively
5. Neatness - We always leave our surrounding areas of work clean and tidy during and especially after work.
1. Consultancy and interior decoration
1. Preparing surfaces
2. Treatment of moulds on surfaces and other damages caused by water and other external factors
3. Applying coats of paint on surfaces with the best of finishes.
4. Customizing unique paint colors just for you.
Residential home owners
Commercial Building owners
Corporate Institutions
Property developers
Construction companies
----Our VISION is to be a world class painting and decor company attaining international and national recognition by providing unique services through discipline, dedication and respect for clients and staff for national and international development.
1. Timely delivery of services - we believe that one very important way to show clients respect is by respecting their time through effect communication and meeting deadlines. And we do just that!
2. Professionalism - As a well-structured company with every individual role clearly defined, we have highly trained staff who conduct themselves in an appropriate manner on the job. They know when to do what and are familiar with basic work ethics to ensure they are delivering high quality service.
3. Safety - We ensure that our operations are in conformity with industry and international safety standards.
4. Efficiency - We work as a team to ensure work is carried out effectively
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within the stated budget.5. Neatness - We always leave our surrounding areas of work clean and tidy during and especially after work.
1. Consultancy and interior decoration
1. Preparing surfaces
2. Treatment of moulds on surfaces and other damages caused by water and other external factors
3. Applying coats of paint on surfaces with the best of finishes.
4. Customizing unique paint colors just for you.
Residential home owners
Commercial Building owners
Corporate Institutions
Property developers
Construction companies
----Our VISION is to be a world class painting and decor company attaining international and national recognition by providing unique services through discipline, dedication and respect for clients and staff for national and international development.
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Visual Monarch LtdCommunity 220552901485
Very professional
I highly recommend visual monarch Ltd. They paint beautifully and their services are superb. They deliver on time, are professional and they know their stuff.
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