Libelt School Of Fashion - Accra, Ghana
Fashion education empowering talent in Ghana.
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Libelt School Of Fashion
A 443/19 Akweibu Road Near Wesley Grammar Sch Junction Dansoman, Accra, Ghana
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The fact that you are reading this is good enough reason to believe you are interested in fashion. It shows you are committed to progressing in this career to become a true professional.
It really does not matter what level you have reached in this field or even what career you are pursuing right now. What matters most is who you aspire to be and how much you want to be that person. At Libelt School of Fashion, we create the family of artists, designers, creators and leaders dedicated to quality and value, to empower you to BE YOUR OWN BOSS!
Central to our courses is the study of fashion and the way in which materials and methods affect the design potential as well as skills of fashion making. The way in which social attitudes and previous fashion trends affects the development of
Our programs also reinforce job market realities by assisting the students to develop a business plan and market their designs. This is your invitation to join us and let your fashion speak louder than your words.
We can both share in the joy that comes from great achievement. Libelt School of Fashion offers innovative challenging, and flexible fashion education programs to enrich the community through creations that raise the level of originality, aesthetic, quality, intelligence and sophistication. We nurture professionals with hands-on, student-centered programs and innovative teaching techniques focusing on student learning outcomes that develop confidence, sense of belonging and purpose.
It really does not matter what level you have reached in this field or even what career you are pursuing right now. What matters most is who you aspire to be and how much you want to be that person. At Libelt School of Fashion, we create the family of artists, designers, creators and leaders dedicated to quality and value, to empower you to BE YOUR OWN BOSS!
Central to our courses is the study of fashion and the way in which materials and methods affect the design potential as well as skills of fashion making. The way in which social attitudes and previous fashion trends affects the development of
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fashion design is also paramount.Our programs also reinforce job market realities by assisting the students to develop a business plan and market their designs. This is your invitation to join us and let your fashion speak louder than your words.
We can both share in the joy that comes from great achievement. Libelt School of Fashion offers innovative challenging, and flexible fashion education programs to enrich the community through creations that raise the level of originality, aesthetic, quality, intelligence and sophistication. We nurture professionals with hands-on, student-centered programs and innovative teaching techniques focusing on student learning outcomes that develop confidence, sense of belonging and purpose.
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