Fibroids Ovarian Cyst, Ghana - Accra
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Company name
Fibroids Ovarian Cyst, Ghana
0208520993, Accra, Ghana
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 8am - 5pm
- Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
- Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
- Thursday: 8am - 5pm
- Friday: 8am - 5pm
- Saturday: 8am - 5pm
- Sunday: Closed
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Company description
Natural Treatment for Fibroids in Ghana (Accra and Kumasi).
Contact (0208520993, 0245703180) for reliable medicines that can remove all the Fibroids without surgery within 12 weeks, Ovarian Cyst, infertility etc in Accra, Kumasi, (Ghana) and round the world.
Fibroids are also known by the following names:
3.uterine myomas,
Types of Fibroids;
1. Intramural fibroids
Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.
2.Subserosal fibroids
Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.
3. Pedunculated
Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.
4.Submucosal fibroids
These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Submucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types.
Contact (0208520993, 0245703180) for reliable medicines that can remove all the Fibroids without surgery within 12 weeks, Ovarian Cyst, infertility etc in Accra, Kumasi, (Ghana) and round the world.
Fibroids are also known by the following names:
3.uterine myomas,
Types of Fibroids;
1. Intramural fibroids
Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.
2.Subserosal fibroids
Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.
3. Pedunculated
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fibroidsSubserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.
4.Submucosal fibroids
These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Submucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types.
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