CAWHI Ghana - Accra
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Listing - +7Years
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Accra, Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
The Centre for Adolescent and Women’s Health Initiative is an International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) committed to using innovative initiatives and interventions to promote the health and safety of adolescents and women, reducing the region’s high burden of fertility, adolescent pregnancies, unsafe and complicated abortions, maternal mortality, STIs and HIV/AIDS, helping them establish Lifelong Healthy behaviors and improve the health of communities and populations especially the disadvantaged and aid the growth and development of the health care system by providing primary healthcare to communities and populations who are disadvantaged in accessing healthcare services within the African Continent.
We seek to reduce adolescent pregnancies, STIs, HIV/AIDS, maternal and
We seek to identify priority areas for action to move towards universal health coverage that will improve community health and aid the growth and development of Adolescents, women and the healthcare system within the Africa regions with special focus on Reproductive health.
As such, the Centre for Adolescent and Women’s Health Initiative will promote a concise and unifying framework that will make use of evidenced-based approaches in Sexual Reproductive health and general healthcare delivery to generate more accurate and robust solutions to health inequities to promote health and well-being for all Adolescents within the African region.
The Centre will build capacity within Africa’s healthcare system for implementing high quality training and applied innovative initiatives and interventions for reproductive health professionals to tackle policies and programs for preventing, promoting and prolonging the health of the adolescent and women, reducing the region’s high burden of fertility, adolescent pregnancies, unsafe and complicated abortions, maternal mortality, STIs and HIV/AIDS.
We seek to reduce adolescent pregnancies, STIs, HIV/AIDS, maternal and
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child mortality, adolescent death and complicated abortions as well as health inequalities.We seek to identify priority areas for action to move towards universal health coverage that will improve community health and aid the growth and development of Adolescents, women and the healthcare system within the Africa regions with special focus on Reproductive health.
As such, the Centre for Adolescent and Women’s Health Initiative will promote a concise and unifying framework that will make use of evidenced-based approaches in Sexual Reproductive health and general healthcare delivery to generate more accurate and robust solutions to health inequities to promote health and well-being for all Adolescents within the African region.
The Centre will build capacity within Africa’s healthcare system for implementing high quality training and applied innovative initiatives and interventions for reproductive health professionals to tackle policies and programs for preventing, promoting and prolonging the health of the adolescent and women, reducing the region’s high burden of fertility, adolescent pregnancies, unsafe and complicated abortions, maternal mortality, STIs and HIV/AIDS.
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Products & Services 3
- Capacity Building and Skill Development Trainings.This will take the form of Seminars, Workshops, Training ses...
- OutreachOutreach is our most effective way of reaching people and co...
- Behavior Change Communication CampaignsA wide variety of comprehensive sex education programs were ...
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