Deks Educational Institute - Tema, Ghana
Quality education with a focus on excellence.
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Deks Educational Institute
DEKS Educational Institute P.O. Box 633, Tema, Ghana
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Our Vision
The ultimate vision of Deks Educational Institute is to offer children of varied backgrounds an opportunity to pursue programs that will heighten their mental development and equip them for the future.
Our Mission
DEKS Educational Institute is an exclusive private basic and second cycle institution which was founded not only to focus on academic but also to develop in children between the ages one and nineteen years, active and creative minds that foster the awareness of self. We instil in them the unique responsibility each of them has to our world, and emphasis is placed on:
and a sense of understanding, compassion for others, as well as the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each child:
This is a forward looking school set to promote learning in absolute freedom while emphasizing the applicability of curricular activities beyond the classroom. Ultimately, DEKS affords persons of diverse interests, abilities and aptitudes the opportunity to pursue programmes of study leading to higher institutions of learning. It is a place students are trained and encouraged to make good and informed choices. There is no better place to seek exceptional educational opportunities.
The ultimate vision of Deks Educational Institute is to offer children of varied backgrounds an opportunity to pursue programs that will heighten their mental development and equip them for the future.
Our Mission
DEKS Educational Institute is an exclusive private basic and second cycle institution which was founded not only to focus on academic but also to develop in children between the ages one and nineteen years, active and creative minds that foster the awareness of self. We instil in them the unique responsibility each of them has to our world, and emphasis is placed on:
and a sense of understanding, compassion for others, as well as the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each child:
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spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical by employing experienced professional teachers who are graduates and post-graduate products of renowned tertiary institutions in Ghana and who are tasked with imparting these values.This is a forward looking school set to promote learning in absolute freedom while emphasizing the applicability of curricular activities beyond the classroom. Ultimately, DEKS affords persons of diverse interests, abilities and aptitudes the opportunity to pursue programmes of study leading to higher institutions of learning. It is a place students are trained and encouraged to make good and informed choices. There is no better place to seek exceptional educational opportunities.
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