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Listing - +7Years
With Us
Company name
P.O 176SN SANTASI, Kumasi, Ghana
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 8:30- 5pm
- Tuesday: 8:30-5pm
- Wednesday: 8:30-5pm
- Thursday: 8:30-5pm
- Friday: 8:30-4pm
- Saturday: 8:30-12noon
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
MR Abraham justineEstablishment year
1-5Registration code
25667VAT registration
0569637E-mail address
Company description
jay and j engineering company is Ghanaian base company who deals with construction of portable
manhole which is called biofil which dust not wast land 2 feet down and 2x4 length it save money and suitable for water log area and we also do bio gas installation commercial and home used
1.the manhole you would not need to waste a lot of money and to construct a manhole
2.it is a portable reinforce concrete structure which seve and drains water out and leaves the toilet dry and odorless
3. it is also suitable to be used at water log area
manhole which is called biofil which dust not wast land 2 feet down and 2x4 length it save money and suitable for water log area and we also do bio gas installation commercial and home used
1.the manhole you would not need to waste a lot of money and to construct a manhole
2.it is a portable reinforce concrete structure which seve and drains water out and leaves the toilet dry and odorless
3. it is also suitable to be used at water log area
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