Safety consultancy group - Accra, Ghana
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With Us
Company name
Safety consultancy group
east legon, Accra, Ghana
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 9:AM-4PM
- Tuesday: 9:AM-4PM
- Wednesday: 9:AM-4PM
- Thursday: 9:AM-4PM
- Friday: 9:AM-4PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
SIR ABRANSOEstablishment year
11-15E-mail address
Company description
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a reputable occupational safety and health consultancy firm. We have team of competent personnel with the relevant knowledge, skills and work experience in safety and health issues.
Our basic objective among others is to prevent occupational accidents and work related diseases by improving working conditions of workers. We believe that workers need to understand occupational risk and dangers, they should therefore be properly trained to carry out their task safely.
Workers need to know not only how to do their jobs but also how to protect their lives and health and those of their co-workers while working within that organization.
SAFETY CONSULT GROUP, we undertake or promote studies and research to identify hazards and find means of overcoming them. with the
We also provide specific measures to prevent catastrophes, ensuring that action is coordinated and coherent at all levels, with particular attention to areas of potentiality high risk of workers.
Furthermore, we provide information and advice in an appropriate manner to employers and workers and promote or facilitate co-operation between them and their organizations, with a view to eliminate hazards
Our line of operations includes the following, Hazard risk assessment at work places, Accident/incident investigations, implementation of company policies, safety inspections and safety auditing and suppliers of health and safety wares.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any of our services if need arises.
We are a reputable occupational safety and health consultancy firm. We have team of competent personnel with the relevant knowledge, skills and work experience in safety and health issues.
Our basic objective among others is to prevent occupational accidents and work related diseases by improving working conditions of workers. We believe that workers need to understand occupational risk and dangers, they should therefore be properly trained to carry out their task safely.
Workers need to know not only how to do their jobs but also how to protect their lives and health and those of their co-workers while working within that organization.
SAFETY CONSULT GROUP, we undertake or promote studies and research to identify hazards and find means of overcoming them. with the
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help of risk assessment checklistsWe also provide specific measures to prevent catastrophes, ensuring that action is coordinated and coherent at all levels, with particular attention to areas of potentiality high risk of workers.
Furthermore, we provide information and advice in an appropriate manner to employers and workers and promote or facilitate co-operation between them and their organizations, with a view to eliminate hazards
Our line of operations includes the following, Hazard risk assessment at work places, Accident/incident investigations, implementation of company policies, safety inspections and safety auditing and suppliers of health and safety wares.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any of our services if need arises.
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