1 Review
MEDI-KOSA ENGINEERINGP. O BOX TN 701, Teshie-Nungua0504229398
- Verified
Listing - +8Years
With Us
Company name
P. O BOX TN 701, Teshie-Nungua, Accra, Ghana
Contact number
Working hours
- Monday: 0730hrs-1700hrs
- Tuesday: 0730hrs-1700hrs
- Wednesday: 0730hrs-1700hrs
- Thursday: 0730hrs-1700hrs
- Friday: 0730hrs-1700hrs
- Saturday: 1100hrs-1500hrs
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Kwame KosaEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
MEDI-KOSA Engineering is responsible for the installation of medical equipment and devices, preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, repairs, assessment of technology, equipment recommendation, user/technician training, procurement and imports of medical equipment.
Our Mission is to maintain the physical environment and provide related services to support the Hospital in reaching its goal of excellence in healthcare and public service.
To be recognized by the Hospital and University community for excellence in service, as a partner in solving our customers' problems, and as the provider of choice.
To be an innovative leader in facilities management. To be an organization where all employees are treated equitably and honestly.
To be an
To be a learning organization, where all staff members are empowered and supported in reaching their full potential.
To be a workplace where the atmosphere of trust encourages creativity and innovation.
It has it main branch in Aburi. The company has well experienced and trained engineers and technicians from the engineering schools in the country who have an advanced technical skills and ability in diagnosing and tracing for faults.
Our Mission is to maintain the physical environment and provide related services to support the Hospital in reaching its goal of excellence in healthcare and public service.
To be recognized by the Hospital and University community for excellence in service, as a partner in solving our customers' problems, and as the provider of choice.
To be an innovative leader in facilities management. To be an organization where all employees are treated equitably and honestly.
To be an
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effective, diverse work community.To be a learning organization, where all staff members are empowered and supported in reaching their full potential.
To be a workplace where the atmosphere of trust encourages creativity and innovation.
It has it main branch in Aburi. The company has well experienced and trained engineers and technicians from the engineering schools in the country who have an advanced technical skills and ability in diagnosing and tracing for faults.
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Employees 1
MEDI-KOSA ENGINEERINGP. O BOX TN 701, Teshie-Nungua0504229398
Highly recommended... Excellence is their hallmark.
I contacted them for some items and they delivered a the the said time. I love their professionalism
I contacted them for some items and they delivered a the the said time. I love their professionalism
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