Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana - Accra
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With Us
Company name
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana
P. O. Box KN 6026 Kaneshie Accra Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Rimmy F, AmakyeEstablishment year
6-10Registration code
00233VAT registration
D.S.W /6245E-mail address
Company description
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana abbreviated (RAHE-GHANA) is an independent Non-Profit development organization established in December 2014 with its head Office in Awutu Senya district in the Central Region of Ghana.
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana is established to undertake social and economic interventions that reduce vulnerability to poverty, disease, hunger and other famines situations, and to contribute to creation of social systems that promote peace, human welfare and the sustainability of the environment on which life depends, including promotion and protection of fundamental human rights in its geographical areas of mandate.
Our portfolio of work is based on the values motivation and obligation towards building the ability of individuals and
Vision. A society in which the local population is empowered to equitable access to the whole spectrum of quality social services.
Mission: Is to work in a holistic manner towards improvement in the quality of life through interventions that reduce vulnerability to illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, disease, hunger and gross abuse of human rights.
The Menstrual Hygiene Project will build the capacity of basic schools, its management committees and community stakeholders to improve and uphold menstrual hygiene management among school girls especially those in rural communities across Ghana -West Africa.
Overall, it aims at providing education, community awareness, facilities, skills training and sanitary materials to over 10,000 school girls on menstrual hygiene management in underserved communities by November 2019.The targeted girls for the project are between the ages of 9-15 years selected from class 5 to JHS 2.
Thanks to the Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Fonds, Holland for making this dream possible in fulfilment of SDGs Goal 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 respectively.
We are still looking for more donor support from both local and international circles to reach every single GIRL CHILD in Ghana.
Reproductive Advocate Health Education-Ghana is established to undertake social and economic interventions that reduce vulnerability to poverty, disease, hunger and other famines situations, and to contribute to creation of social systems that promote peace, human welfare and the sustainability of the environment on which life depends, including promotion and protection of fundamental human rights in its geographical areas of mandate.
Our portfolio of work is based on the values motivation and obligation towards building the ability of individuals and
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communities to draw on a range of assets to effect change, particularly in rural and urban areas where livelihoods depend entirely on the sustainable use of natural resources.Vision. A society in which the local population is empowered to equitable access to the whole spectrum of quality social services.
Mission: Is to work in a holistic manner towards improvement in the quality of life through interventions that reduce vulnerability to illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, disease, hunger and gross abuse of human rights.
The Menstrual Hygiene Project will build the capacity of basic schools, its management committees and community stakeholders to improve and uphold menstrual hygiene management among school girls especially those in rural communities across Ghana -West Africa.
Overall, it aims at providing education, community awareness, facilities, skills training and sanitary materials to over 10,000 school girls on menstrual hygiene management in underserved communities by November 2019.The targeted girls for the project are between the ages of 9-15 years selected from class 5 to JHS 2.
Thanks to the Nederlands Albert Schweitzer Fonds, Holland for making this dream possible in fulfilment of SDGs Goal 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 respectively.
We are still looking for more donor support from both local and international circles to reach every single GIRL CHILD in Ghana.
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Products & Services 3
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