ADAM' GIG - Accra, Ghana

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P. O. Box 10964, Accra, Ghana
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Iddrisu Adam
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Video & Photography
Imagery is a critical part of brand image. Video is increasingly favored as medium for information consumption and entertainment – and by Google. A well-rounded brand image and marketing strategy includes both.

At ADAM'S GIG, we have the visual aspect of your brand covered. Our clients use Altitude-produced animated vignettes as part of their websites, search campaigns, trade show displays and sales presentations every day. From our in-house photo studio and video production equipment to our expertise in coordinating large-scale shoots by specialized third-party vendors, we can take your company beyond words.
Video Production

Attention spans are shortening by the day. Short-form video (a combination of animation, stills, video snippets and text) is  
Show more increasingly favored as a way to get information out to customer and prospects – and an easy way to leverage the power of digital media. We offer a full suite of video production services, from “kinetic text” vignettes to traditional commercials.

Branding & Re-branding
Your “brand identity” is the combination of verbal, visual and emotional attributes that define your company and set it apart from the competition. How your branding makes people feel and react are key drivers of brand perception.
Your logo is not your brand

ADAM'S GIG specializes in creating new brand identities and revitalizing sluggish branding. But what exactly does that entail? Ask a design firm to create your brand, and they’ll design you a logo and a business card. Ask a web development agency, and they’ll program you a website. ADAMS GIG, on the other hand, brings your branding to life.
A thoughtful, proven branding process

We begin the branding process by interviewing your executive team and developing a gap analysis. Then we write comprehensive brand messaging for your elevator speech, products and services and target demographics. We use this content to boost your brand recognition through an integrated trade show, PR and trade advertising strategy. We write SEO-friendly case studies and white papers. We manage your social and email marketing. We do all of this, and more.
Rebranding an established company

Companies that have been around awhile often find themselves forced to compete in an increasingly noisy and crowded industry. Let’s face it: What got you where you are will not get you where you want to go. Altitude has extensive expertise in guiding established technology-oriented companies through the rebranding process – shedding baggage, reestablishing market leadership and stimulating leads.
Addressing the needs of the entrepreneur

Launching a new company, a new product or a new service means unseating the competition and winning mindshare. Altitude has developed a highly effective, adaptive methodology that takes into account the rapid evolution cycle of early-stage technology companies. We guide your marketing efforts by defining the brand, building awareness, attracting investors, driving leads, arming the sales team and creating evangelists.

Strategy & Planning
In marketing, it’s tempting to jump straight to tactics before setting a marketing strategy – create a brochure, send a press release – because it feels good to “do something” to promote your business. But if your marketing efforts aren’t working together, they’re working against you.
The transformative power of marketing strategy & planning

Whether the goal is to grow your B2B company or get acquired, an Altitude integrated marketing plan has the power to transform your business and put your brand on the map. We begin with the View from 30,000 Feet, gathering intelligence to analyze your business and goals from the highest vantage point, and devising the right marketing strategy for your goals and budget.
The View from 30,000 feet – and from ground level

An ADAM'S GIG marketing strategy is a complete plan. We begin with clearly identified goals and then determine the approach, process, timing, division of labor, budgets and metrics for success. Depending on your marketing needs, each integrated marketing plan covers Web development, PR/media relations/social media, email marketing, search engine marketing, thought leadership, case study and white paper writing, print and digital advertising, trade shows and more.
Should we – or shouldn’t we?

“Should we or shouldn’t we?” is a critical question. An ADAM'S GIG marketing strategy gives you the framework to assess unexpected opportunities as they arise. We use data to validate experience when deciding whether or not to pursue new ideas. The result is a thoughtful, measurable cross-platform strategy – firmly rooted in research, data and insight, and supported by proven, cost-effective, sustainable tactics.
Strategy that meets the needs of the business

Too often, companies spend a great deal of time and energy creating a plan, only to have it gather dust on the shelf – while business goes on as usual around the office. ADAM'S GIG marketing strategies are realistic and sustainable. It’s a fine balance between business aspirations and actual budgetary and human resource constraints. Such constraints are not negatives – they are critical parameters that guide and shape the strategy.

Graphic Design
Our graphic design expertise is a blend of brand identity, strategy, creativity, user experience, functionality, graphics and typography. We enable you to present a polished, consistent, professional brand image every step of the way.
In graphic design, form follows function

The slickest print piece, nicest trade show backdrop, most clever print ad or catchiest Web banner will ultimately fall short of the intended goal if it fails to integrate with the rest of your marketing efforts. That’s why we begin every graphic design effort with the View from 30,000 Feet.

Strategy drives design

We ensure that business goals drive creative – not vice versa. Armed with a strategic framework, we put our award-winning creative team to work for you – building brand awareness and driving leads by delivering valuable content and outstanding design. Whether it’s print or digital, graphic design fully integrates with the rest of your marketing mix.
Graphic design for any media

Over the years, we have designed and produced nearly every imaginable form of collateral – award-winning websites, attention-grabbing trade show displays, product packaging, print advertising campaigns, promotional videos, software user interfaces, brochures, datasheets, signage, multimedia white papers and more. And as catalysts for the process, we see every project through from beginning to end, from brainstorming, to concept, content, design, production and distribution.

Products & Services 2

  • one on one tutorial on video edting and more
    one on one tutorial on video edting and more
    We offer one on one intensive tutorial on video editing, mot...
  • Get quality video/photo coverages for all events
    Get quality video/photo coverages for all events
    With Adam's gig, perfectionist digital photography and cinem...


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