Sun Shade Foundation-FNGO - Kumasi, Ghana
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With Us
Company name
Sun Shade Foundation-FNGO
P.O.BOx AN 23160, Ash-Town, Kumasi, Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Isaac Akohehe-AsieduEstablishment year
11-15Registration code
G-38,070E-mail address
Company description
The Sun Shade Foundation-FNGO (the 'Organization" /the “Foundation) is a non-profit organization that was established in September, 2011 with the purpose of providing social and financial solutions to the economically active but productive poor especially women so that they can in return help their families. It is a Bank of Ghana fully licenced and Department of Social Welfare recognized Organization and an active member of the association of financial Non-governmental organisations.
The Organization’s mission is to create a strong global image, empowering the urban and the peri-urban poor especially women economically through the efficient provision of timely and appropriate finance, training, clothing supports expanding the horizon and providing reliable service.
The Organization commits it's resources to micro-lending projects, Business advisory and training services and clothing assistance programmes in over 15 urban and peri-urban satellite communities including: Moshie Zongo, Dichemso, Ash-Town, Asawase, Suame, Tafo, Kejetia, Dr. Mensah-Bolaho, Abrepo Junction, Bremang, Antoa-Kenyase, Dote, Krofrom, Kronum, and Buokrom – all in Ashanti Region.
Micro-entrepreneurs supported by the Organization, are utilizing the loans for home-based businesses such as cabbage/lettuce farming, shoe making, tailoring, and selling handicrafts, homemade foods, bakery-made foods, clothing and footwear. The Organization hopes to continue expansion of its projects in the years to come.
The Organization’s mission is to create a strong global image, empowering the urban and the peri-urban poor especially women economically through the efficient provision of timely and appropriate finance, training, clothing supports expanding the horizon and providing reliable service.
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innovative assistance for entrepreneurship-including direct micro-credit loans and tangible support for other community partnership projects-the Organization seeks to expand the energy and creativity of every person with whom it works in order to create wealth and prosperity in Ghana. Micro-credit is a system pioneered by Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. The philosophy behind micro-credit is to provide the poor access to credit without requiring contracts or collateral, enabling them to rise out of poverty through their own efforts. The Foundation believes micro-credit with tailor-made training support is one of the best methods to help individuals lift themselves out of poverty through their own ingenuity. Sun Shade Foundation does not only help the poor with micro-credit and clothing support but also empower these women to sustain their climb out of the claws of poverty through well-tailored training sessions. The objective is to encourage economic growth and sustainability by sharing our knowledge and access to resources with these women. The Organization is partnered with Sisters4siters INC. in providing outreach on projects such as campaign against Domestic Violence. Sun Shade Foundation plans to continue to expand their project portfolio with socially oriented and microfinance partners over time.The Organization commits it's resources to micro-lending projects, Business advisory and training services and clothing assistance programmes in over 15 urban and peri-urban satellite communities including: Moshie Zongo, Dichemso, Ash-Town, Asawase, Suame, Tafo, Kejetia, Dr. Mensah-Bolaho, Abrepo Junction, Bremang, Antoa-Kenyase, Dote, Krofrom, Kronum, and Buokrom – all in Ashanti Region.
Micro-entrepreneurs supported by the Organization, are utilizing the loans for home-based businesses such as cabbage/lettuce farming, shoe making, tailoring, and selling handicrafts, homemade foods, bakery-made foods, clothing and footwear. The Organization hopes to continue expansion of its projects in the years to come.
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