CookClean Ghana Limited - Accra
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With Us
Company name
CookClean Ghana Limited
C112-14 Blohum Street, Dzorwulu, Accra, Ghana
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Working hours
- Monday: 8am - 5pm
- Tuesday: 8am - 5pm
- Wednesday: 8am - 5pm
- Thursday: 8am - 5pm
- Friday: 8am - 5pm
- Saturday: 10am - 2pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Nicholas Sarkodie-Addo ManuEstablishment year
26-50Registration code
C0003045498VAT registration
CS335622014E-mail address
Company description
CookClean Ghana Limited (CCL) is a social entrepreneurship with a mission to improve social, environmental, and economic conditions for low-income families in Ghana. The company has in line with its mission, locally researched and developed efficient charcoal stoves branded CookMate which significantly reduce woodfuel use (charcoal) and CO2 emission.
The stove has been compared with the traditional coal-pot in carefully conducted “real-life cooking” field tests in a large sample of domestic kitchens in Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions and found to use half as much charcoal. In addition, laboratory tests carried out by Institute of Industrial Research-CSIR showed that the CookMate cooks faster than the Traditional Coal pot and the amount of fuel consumed is half that of the
The stoves therefore provide multiple benefits to users and families in the form of relief from high fuel costs, reduced exposure to indoor air pollution which leads to major adverse health impacts in the form of respiratory disease, primarily affecting women and children. Furthermore, deforestation, caused by charcoal production, a major environmental problem in Ghana, is tackled due to decreased use of wood fuels and reduced tree felling for charcoal production.
The stove has been compared with the traditional coal-pot in carefully conducted “real-life cooking” field tests in a large sample of domestic kitchens in Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions and found to use half as much charcoal. In addition, laboratory tests carried out by Institute of Industrial Research-CSIR showed that the CookMate cooks faster than the Traditional Coal pot and the amount of fuel consumed is half that of the
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traditional coal pot. Both tests were rigorously conducted and independently showed 50% savings.The stoves therefore provide multiple benefits to users and families in the form of relief from high fuel costs, reduced exposure to indoor air pollution which leads to major adverse health impacts in the form of respiratory disease, primarily affecting women and children. Furthermore, deforestation, caused by charcoal production, a major environmental problem in Ghana, is tackled due to decreased use of wood fuels and reduced tree felling for charcoal production.
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Products & Services 1
- CookMate StoveCookMate Efficient Stoves CookMate stoves burn charcoal s...
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