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Green Kilojoules Limited (GKL) is a dedicated consulting firm that effectively integrates all aspects of environmental management including air, water, residuals, energy, and resource conservation. Our vision is of a sustainable world comprised of community
We envision an environmentally friendly means of producing Green Energy and Economically beneficial solutions to waste disposal and power needs, agriculture input (organic fertilizer) by integrating a revolutionary system for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), waste is the ideal solution of the problems that plague much of the Ghanaian municipalities and district assemblies. The plant, which separates the waste downstream through the first stage in water treatment, eliminates any trace of burning up to 80% of
Company Overview
The principals of GKL are experienced in every aspect of this business operation and are founding this company to meet the growing need for sought-after waste-to-energy plant in suburbs of Accra, as well as to operate a profitable business.
Uncollected and improperly treated organic wastes are sanitary hazards and sources of public nuisance in Ghana, especially in cities like Accra and Kumasi.
However, organic waste contains plant nutrients and energy, so it is also a potential resource. In Ghana and other parts of the world the Local Government Ministries tries to reduce the hazards posed by organising a collection system and depositing the waste in open dumpsites, usually in wasteland in the city outskirts.
People living in these areas, usually low-income groups are exposed to health and environmental impacts, and some of them who make a living by scavenging on the waste dumps, face even greater hazards. In response to these problems, many municipalities try to upgrade their dump sites to landfills, which can mean anything from a marginally improved fenced-off dump to a fully engineered site with gas and liquid effluent (leachate) recovery systems. Upgrading existing dumpsites is a relatively affordable option, which can solve the immediate sanitary hazards and reduce leakage of environmental pollutants.
In the long term, however, delivering untreated household waste to landfills is not a sustainable solution. The availability of suitable landfill sites is highly limited in most regions and land is needed for other purposes. Potentially valuable resources are lost when buried in landfills; surrounding soil, plants, surface and underground waters may be contaminated by substances leaching from the site and the degradation of organic materials generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG). At the international level, the significance of the waste sector for climate protection is being increasingly recognized (IPCC 2007).
We envision an environmentally friendly means of producing Green Energy and Economically beneficial solutions to waste disposal and power needs, agriculture input (organic fertilizer) by integrating a revolutionary system for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), waste is the ideal solution of the problems that plague much of the Ghanaian municipalities and district assemblies. The plant, which separates the waste downstream through the first stage in water treatment, eliminates any trace of burning up to 80% of
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the material separating undifferentiated, so making a decisive contribution to the solution of problems related to the depletion of landfills. Primarily, the plant allows to diversify downstream high percentages of undifferentiated, thus contributing significantly to the achievement of established law.Company Overview
The principals of GKL are experienced in every aspect of this business operation and are founding this company to meet the growing need for sought-after waste-to-energy plant in suburbs of Accra, as well as to operate a profitable business.
Uncollected and improperly treated organic wastes are sanitary hazards and sources of public nuisance in Ghana, especially in cities like Accra and Kumasi.
However, organic waste contains plant nutrients and energy, so it is also a potential resource. In Ghana and other parts of the world the Local Government Ministries tries to reduce the hazards posed by organising a collection system and depositing the waste in open dumpsites, usually in wasteland in the city outskirts.
People living in these areas, usually low-income groups are exposed to health and environmental impacts, and some of them who make a living by scavenging on the waste dumps, face even greater hazards. In response to these problems, many municipalities try to upgrade their dump sites to landfills, which can mean anything from a marginally improved fenced-off dump to a fully engineered site with gas and liquid effluent (leachate) recovery systems. Upgrading existing dumpsites is a relatively affordable option, which can solve the immediate sanitary hazards and reduce leakage of environmental pollutants.
In the long term, however, delivering untreated household waste to landfills is not a sustainable solution. The availability of suitable landfill sites is highly limited in most regions and land is needed for other purposes. Potentially valuable resources are lost when buried in landfills; surrounding soil, plants, surface and underground waters may be contaminated by substances leaching from the site and the degradation of organic materials generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG). At the international level, the significance of the waste sector for climate protection is being increasingly recognized (IPCC 2007).
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