Events Fahrenheit Ghana - Cape Coast
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Listing - +11Years
With Us
Company name
Events Fahrenheit Ghana
UCC campus, Cape Coast, Ghana
Contact number
Mobile phone
0240492976/ 0262686807
Working hours
- Monday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Tuesday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Wednesday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Thursday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Saturday: 9:00am - 7:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Hanson CharlesEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
Artist / Event Management & Promo,Video interviews and pictures from the public on life, entertainment, gossip and news in Showbiz.We also focus on sharing exciting and insightful information on entertainment, places and events in Africa and beyond
we undertake anything with regards to show biz,presently we offer event management and consultancy services under three major headings.
SOCIAL so be it weddings,parties,shows,gigs,sporting events,religious events we r there .
BUSINESS n EDUCATIONAL be it conferences,meetings and other corporate educational events depending on the preferences of our clients we serve you better. In the future we
will evolve into other spheres such as productions{music,videos and films},artist management and other stakes involved with
business.Hence we will turn out as the 1st biggest record label in Ghana. We d like
to take out the corporate stress n paperwork which artists have to
encounter in running their career for them to have ample time to
concentrate on developing their creative wares,Events Fahrenheit Ghana would then BE THE
BUSINESS FACE IN SHOW BUSINESS ,,,,,hence Events Fahrenheit Ghana is the business in showbiz.
BIG UPS to all Events Fahrenheit Ghana members and aspiring members
idea,advice,help,resource and support is thankfully
**To provide a client satisfying hallmark of quality advertising,promoting and event management.
**Conduct our business with high standards and wholeness.
**To provide entertainers an international competitive platform to expound and exhibit their products.
Company Overview
**We promote quality entertainment made in Ghana and outside Ghana by providing up to date details of entertainment venues and events across the country and beyond….
Events Fahrenheit Ghana provides cost effective and practical ways to enable us deliver the best results. Most of our time is being devoted into entertainment because it’s our passion and business.
Events Fahrenheit Ghana, when it’s comes to reorganization we are being known the best and deliver the best for its high quality programs/production, and maintained relationship with our clients…**
we undertake anything with regards to show biz,presently we offer event management and consultancy services under three major headings.
SOCIAL so be it weddings,parties,shows,gigs,sporting events,religious events we r there .
BUSINESS n EDUCATIONAL be it conferences,meetings and other corporate educational events depending on the preferences of our clients we serve you better. In the future we
will evolve into other spheres such as productions{music,videos and films},artist management and other stakes involved with
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showbusiness.Hence we will turn out as the 1st biggest record label in Ghana. We d like
to take out the corporate stress n paperwork which artists have to
encounter in running their career for them to have ample time to
concentrate on developing their creative wares,Events Fahrenheit Ghana would then BE THE
BUSINESS FACE IN SHOW BUSINESS ,,,,,hence Events Fahrenheit Ghana is the business in showbiz.
BIG UPS to all Events Fahrenheit Ghana members and aspiring members
idea,advice,help,resource and support is thankfully
**To provide a client satisfying hallmark of quality advertising,promoting and event management.
**Conduct our business with high standards and wholeness.
**To provide entertainers an international competitive platform to expound and exhibit their products.
Company Overview
**We promote quality entertainment made in Ghana and outside Ghana by providing up to date details of entertainment venues and events across the country and beyond….
Events Fahrenheit Ghana provides cost effective and practical ways to enable us deliver the best results. Most of our time is being devoted into entertainment because it’s our passion and business.
Events Fahrenheit Ghana, when it’s comes to reorganization we are being known the best and deliver the best for its high quality programs/production, and maintained relationship with our clients…**
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