Opportunity 2 Excel Consult - Tema, Ghana
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Listing - +11Years
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Company name
Opportunity 2 Excel Consult
Hse No 100 Service, D.T.D Comm. 17 Lashibi, Tema – Ghana. , E-mail: inf@o2ec.com / opportunitytwoexcel@yahoo.com,
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:30am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:30am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Nicodemus Nalerrow AtsuEstablishment year
11-15Registration code
CS116442012VAT registration
C0001258184E-mail address
Company description
Opportunity 2 Excel (O2E), an Accra based Consultancy Firm located at Hse No 1100 Service Plot D.T.D Lashibi Tema, Community 17 Accra, Ghana to serve as an backbone for a growing alliance with the private sector designed to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) expanding into emerging markets overseas. O2E specializes in feasibility studies, assisting start-up and existing SMEs to source funding for their businesses as well as providing leadership and financial literacy training to young entrepreneurs.
O2E is one of the leading Consultancy Firms in Ghana. It was registered and started operations in 2009 by to provide the following services: Feasibility Studies, Supply, financial engineering services, accounting and auditing services, microfinance advisory services, finance and
The company has 6 years experience in various fields of operations. Since its inception the firm has assisted many desirable young entrepreneurs to source funding to either start a new business or for expansion. It has also provided leadership, management and financial literacy training to many fresh graduate entrepreneurs in Ghana. The company has undertaken many projects in specialized areas and has created equal employment for men, women and the physically challenged.
O2E is one of the leading Consultancy Firms in Ghana. It was registered and started operations in 2009 by to provide the following services: Feasibility Studies, Supply, financial engineering services, accounting and auditing services, microfinance advisory services, finance and
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investment services, brokerage services, specialized services in agriculture and health care, housing construction, evaluation and implementation of energy projects, Due Deligent and others.The company has 6 years experience in various fields of operations. Since its inception the firm has assisted many desirable young entrepreneurs to source funding to either start a new business or for expansion. It has also provided leadership, management and financial literacy training to many fresh graduate entrepreneurs in Ghana. The company has undertaken many projects in specialized areas and has created equal employment for men, women and the physically challenged.
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