Land Tours Gh.Ltd - Accra, Ghana
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Land Tours Gh.Ltd
P.O. Box GP 6094 Accra, Ghana
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Company description
With the slogan “Showing you the best of Ghana and West Africa”, Landtours opened its doors in October 1995 and has continued to grow in strength as well as expand its service territory to include Togo, Benin, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Senegal and Gambia. Besides handling over 30,000 tourists over the past 18 years, Landtours has provided full destination management services for many of the most prestigious organizations and individuals in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Amongst them are; Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford Universities and nonprofit educational institutions such as Semester at Sea, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations and the African Union. Others
Early this year, Landtours successfully rebranded and restructured the company to accurately reflect its evolution over the years and the totality of its different business entities. The company will be managed under one parent group called The Griot Limited which is made up of three separate business brands; Landtours, LT Book-it and Sapele Lodge.
Landtours continues to remain the flagship of the group, focusing on the global tourism market, offering customized adventure and experiential inbound tours to Ghana along with outbound tours to seven (7) West African countries.
LT Book-it focuses on meeting the destination management needs of corporate Ghana. The services include competitive individual and group airfares for outbound and inbound travel within Africa and worldwide destinations, worldwide hotel and car rental reservations and corporate transportation services. Additionally, LT Book-it provides conference, meetings and event management service to corporate Ghana.
The third business entity within the Griot Limited is Sapele Lodge. This product is a highly specialized 4 star luxury accommodation facility and will come online in 2014. Sapele Lodge will be the first of its kind in West Africa, and will meet the needs of tourists who are seeking adventure in luxury and style.
Landtours continuously seeks to build its management infrastructure and has aggressively utilized technology to improve the services it delivers to clients. The Company is the first full service Destination Management Company in Ghana to offer clients the option of paying for their services with a secured online credit card system, which does not store vital credit card information nor leave behind a paper trail. The company has been using its online credit card payment system for close to 10 years without a single reported case of credit card fraud. To further increase the company’s accessibility, Landtours upgraded its telephone system to allow clients from most regions in the world to call a customer service representative for free. Most recently, Landtours acquired a Tour Management System (TMS), which enabled the company to discontinue its manual tour packaging system and begin using a system that generates tour packages via the use of online technology. The new TMS system improves response time to Landtours clients by 50%. Customers can find Landtours on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinerest, Instagram and every LT administrative staff regularly tweets about the companies’ activities.
Landtours is committed to corporate social responsibility and works with several village communities to develop cultural immersion programs, which generate income for the community. Visitors can choose an overnight stay with a family or experience a typical day in a village by becoming citizens of the community or through participation in a living heritage experience. Each visitor is given a unique opportunity to become totally immersed in village life. In exchange for this experience, visitors pay a fee to the family and community, which are used to benefit one of the village’s development projects. One of such programs has been successfully carried out in the village of Torgorme in the Volta Region. Since the inception of this program in 2006, the village has earned over $20,000.00 from its tourism activities. Landtours has also worked with villages in the Central, Ashanti, Eastern and Northern Regions.
With a current staff of 15, Landtours continues to be a leader in setting higher standards in the tourism industry in Ghana and West Africa. The company’s has been recognized for its achievements, winning the Best National Tour Company in 1997 and 2003, member of the prestigious Ghana Club 100, in 2001 and 2003. And in 2010, 2011 and 2012 Landtours was awarded the best tour company in West Africa by the West African Tourism and Hospitality Institute.
With the slogan “Showing you the best of Ghana and West Africa”, Landtours opened its doors in October 1995 and has continued to grow in strength as well as expand its service territory to include Togo, Benin, Niger, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Senegal and Gambia. Besides handling over 30,000 tourists over the past 18 years, Landtours has provided full destination management services for many of the most prestigious organizations and individuals in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Amongst them are; Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford Universities and nonprofit educational institutions such as Semester at Sea, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations and the African Union. Others
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include high-end travel and leisure companies including Bushtracks Expeditions, Geographic Expeditions, Kensington Tours and more. Landtours clientele also include foreign and diplomatic missions from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.Early this year, Landtours successfully rebranded and restructured the company to accurately reflect its evolution over the years and the totality of its different business entities. The company will be managed under one parent group called The Griot Limited which is made up of three separate business brands; Landtours, LT Book-it and Sapele Lodge.
Landtours continues to remain the flagship of the group, focusing on the global tourism market, offering customized adventure and experiential inbound tours to Ghana along with outbound tours to seven (7) West African countries.
LT Book-it focuses on meeting the destination management needs of corporate Ghana. The services include competitive individual and group airfares for outbound and inbound travel within Africa and worldwide destinations, worldwide hotel and car rental reservations and corporate transportation services. Additionally, LT Book-it provides conference, meetings and event management service to corporate Ghana.
The third business entity within the Griot Limited is Sapele Lodge. This product is a highly specialized 4 star luxury accommodation facility and will come online in 2014. Sapele Lodge will be the first of its kind in West Africa, and will meet the needs of tourists who are seeking adventure in luxury and style.
Landtours continuously seeks to build its management infrastructure and has aggressively utilized technology to improve the services it delivers to clients. The Company is the first full service Destination Management Company in Ghana to offer clients the option of paying for their services with a secured online credit card system, which does not store vital credit card information nor leave behind a paper trail. The company has been using its online credit card payment system for close to 10 years without a single reported case of credit card fraud. To further increase the company’s accessibility, Landtours upgraded its telephone system to allow clients from most regions in the world to call a customer service representative for free. Most recently, Landtours acquired a Tour Management System (TMS), which enabled the company to discontinue its manual tour packaging system and begin using a system that generates tour packages via the use of online technology. The new TMS system improves response time to Landtours clients by 50%. Customers can find Landtours on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinerest, Instagram and every LT administrative staff regularly tweets about the companies’ activities.
Landtours is committed to corporate social responsibility and works with several village communities to develop cultural immersion programs, which generate income for the community. Visitors can choose an overnight stay with a family or experience a typical day in a village by becoming citizens of the community or through participation in a living heritage experience. Each visitor is given a unique opportunity to become totally immersed in village life. In exchange for this experience, visitors pay a fee to the family and community, which are used to benefit one of the village’s development projects. One of such programs has been successfully carried out in the village of Torgorme in the Volta Region. Since the inception of this program in 2006, the village has earned over $20,000.00 from its tourism activities. Landtours has also worked with villages in the Central, Ashanti, Eastern and Northern Regions.
With a current staff of 15, Landtours continues to be a leader in setting higher standards in the tourism industry in Ghana and West Africa. The company’s has been recognized for its achievements, winning the Best National Tour Company in 1997 and 2003, member of the prestigious Ghana Club 100, in 2001 and 2003. And in 2010, 2011 and 2012 Landtours was awarded the best tour company in West Africa by the West African Tourism and Hospitality Institute.
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