Latex Foam Ltd - Accra, Ghana
Latex Foam Ltd
1 Review
Latex Foam Ltd16, Dadeban Road,North Industrial Area+233 302-223107, +233 302-222189, +233 30 223 1155
- Verified
Company name
Latex Foam Ltd
16, Dadeban Road,North Industrial Area, Accra, Ghana
Contact number
+233 302-220059
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Latex Foam Rubber Products Ltd was incorporated on March 8, 1969 to produce quality foam products for the Bedding and Furniture Industry.
The company entered the market using the Dunlop Technology under licence from the Dunlop Company for the production of its products. The technology gave Latex Foam the desired push in quality in the rather traditional market at the time. Since then, the company has not relented in its efforts to assert itself in the Foam Industry.
In 1972, three years after its inception, Latex Foam started the production of Spring Interior Mattresses. It is worth mentioning that both the Interior production and assembly of the unit springs for the mattresses were done at the factory premises.
Today Latex Foam has stood the test of time and is the oldest in the industry. It is also the leading manufacturer of quality Foam products in Ghana and West Africa.
The company entered the market using the Dunlop Technology under licence from the Dunlop Company for the production of its products. The technology gave Latex Foam the desired push in quality in the rather traditional market at the time. Since then, the company has not relented in its efforts to assert itself in the Foam Industry.
In 1972, three years after its inception, Latex Foam started the production of Spring Interior Mattresses. It is worth mentioning that both the Interior production and assembly of the unit springs for the mattresses were done at the factory premises.
Today Latex Foam has stood the test of time and is the oldest in the industry. It is also the leading manufacturer of quality Foam products in Ghana and West Africa.
Listed in categories
Latex Foam Ltd16, Dadeban Road,North Industrial Area+233 302-223107, +233 302-222189, +233 30 223 1155
Hard Uncomfortable Mattress
My husband and I bought a 10inch high density mattress about 5days ago and we are disappointed
Our new mattress is extremely hard and uncomfortable, we experience bodily pains since 5days of usage
Want to know if your outfit can change for us, even if it means toping up. We should have been advised and caution of the nature of the mattress and given options to chose from,reason being the distributor admitted people complain alot about that type,
So we should buy a topper
Because we ordered online, we didn't have the opportunity to feel it for ourselves in person, big regret though.
Our money shouldn't go waste, something should be done about it
Our new mattress is extremely hard and uncomfortable, we experience bodily pains since 5days of usage
Want to know if your outfit can change for us, even if it means toping up. We should have been advised and caution of the nature of the mattress and given options to chose from,reason being the distributor admitted people complain alot about that type,
So we should buy a topper
Because we ordered online, we didn't have the opportunity to feel it for ourselves in person, big regret though.
Our money shouldn't go waste, something should be done about it
Questions & Answers
Please how much is 8inches high density mattress?
Verified Business
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