Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Assembly - Ghana
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Company name
Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Assembly
P.O. Box 12 Ejisu Ashanti Region, Ghana
Contact number
(+233-51) 20187
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Company description
The Ejisu Municipal is one of the 260 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana, and forms part of the 43 of MMDAs in the Ashanti Region with Ejisu as its administrative capital.
The Municipal is known globally for its rich cultural heritage and tourists attractions notably the booming kente weaving industry. The Municipal stretches over an area of 637.2 km2 constituting about 10% of the entire Ashanti Region.
The Municipality is located in the central part of the Ashanti Region and provides enormous opportunity for creating an inland port for Ghana to serve northern section of the country. It is located within longitudes 1°5W and 1°39’ W and latitudes 7°9’ N and 7°36’N. It has a large land size of about 1,782.2sq.km. (690.781sq. miles) and is the
Ejisu Municipal shares boundaries with six (6) other Districts in the Region. To the north east and north west of the Municipal are Sekyere East District and Kwabre East Municipal respectively, to the south are Bosomtwe District and Asante Akim South Municipal, to the east is the Asante Akim North Municipal and to the west is the Kumasi Metropolitan.
The Municipal is known globally for its rich cultural heritage and tourists attractions notably the booming kente weaving industry. The Municipal stretches over an area of 637.2 km2 constituting about 10% of the entire Ashanti Region.
The Municipality is located in the central part of the Ashanti Region and provides enormous opportunity for creating an inland port for Ghana to serve northern section of the country. It is located within longitudes 1°5W and 1°39’ W and latitudes 7°9’ N and 7°36’N. It has a large land size of about 1,782.2sq.km. (690.781sq. miles) and is the
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fifth largest district in Ashanti region’s 30 districts.Ejisu Municipal shares boundaries with six (6) other Districts in the Region. To the north east and north west of the Municipal are Sekyere East District and Kwabre East Municipal respectively, to the south are Bosomtwe District and Asante Akim South Municipal, to the east is the Asante Akim North Municipal and to the west is the Kumasi Metropolitan.
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