University of Education, Winneba - Ghana
Offering quality teacher education and training.
University of Education, Winneba
1 Review
University of Education, WinnebaUniversity of Education Central campus, Winneba+233 33 232 2361, +233 33 232 2139
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University name
University of Education, Winneba
University of Education Central campus, Winneba, Ghana
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 24 hours
- Tuesday: 24 hours
- Wednesday: 24 hours
- Thursday: 24 hours
- Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday: 24 hours
- Sunday: 24 hours
Establishment year
1992E-mail address
Company description
The University of Education, Winneba (UEW) was established in September, 1992 as a University College under PNDC Law 322. On 14th May, 2004 the University of Education Act, Act 672 was enacted to upgrade the status of the University College of Education of Winneba to the status of a full University.
The University College of Education of Winneba brought together seven diploma awarding colleges located in different towns under one umbrella institution. These Colleges were the Advanced Teacher Training College, the Specialist Training College and the National Academy of Music, all at Winneba; the School of Ghana Languages, Ajumako; the College of Special Education, Akwapim-Mampong; the Advanced Technical Training College, Kumasi; and the St. Andrews Agricultural Training College,
The three sites in Winneba now referred to as the Winneba campus is the seat of the Vice-Chancellor with satellite campuses at Kumasi, Mampong and Ajumako.
The University College of Education of Winneba brought together seven diploma awarding colleges located in different towns under one umbrella institution. These Colleges were the Advanced Teacher Training College, the Specialist Training College and the National Academy of Music, all at Winneba; the School of Ghana Languages, Ajumako; the College of Special Education, Akwapim-Mampong; the Advanced Technical Training College, Kumasi; and the St. Andrews Agricultural Training College,
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Mampong-Ashanti.The three sites in Winneba now referred to as the Winneba campus is the seat of the Vice-Chancellor with satellite campuses at Kumasi, Mampong and Ajumako.
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University of Education, WinnebaUniversity of Education Central campus, Winneba+233 33 232 2361, +233 33 232 2139
Very Encouraging
The online admission procedure are clear and accurate.
Questions & Answers
I applied as mature applicant and have not received any response yet,please what should I do?
How do I get my transcript for my place of work
Please can my school outside Ghana get my transcripts?
Please when will entrance exams for distance education will start?
Pls I had social studies b2, science c5, maths c4, English d7, history b3 , geography b3, french b3, economics c4. Pls can I offer BA in social studies at uew ?
How does one get transcripts outside Ghana.. what is the process
Please how can I get past questions for BBA(HR) 2year post diploma for level 400.
Please, 2021 mature distance forms out?.
I need past question and and answers ITE level100 course
Please may I know when mature students will be giving admission after the mature entrance exam for 2020?
Branches 2
Kwadaso, Kumasi
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