Opportunities Industrialization Centre Gh. - Accra, Ghana

Empowering youth through vocational training programs.
Opportunities Industrialization Centre Gh.
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Company name
Opportunities Industrialization Centre Gh.
Boundary Rd, Accra, Ghana
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Company description
The Opportunities Industrializations Centre was born out of a struggle for the inclusion of coloured and black minorities in the industries’ labour force in the USA in the early 1960s during the civil right movement by the late Rev. Dr. Leon Howard Sullivan and his team. When the struggle was finally won however, black minority lacked employable skills needed in the industries.

To develop and provide more employable skills training programmes to approximately 1,000 youth each year by focusing on the following: Upgrading its exiting training programmes to meet current job demands. Developing more employable skills training programmes, Expanding our Training facilities to accommodate the demand within the community.
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Opportunities Industrialization Centre Accra
Oic Ghana Courses
Opportunity Industrialization Centre
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Questions & Answers

Do have to know something before presenting yourself to the school?
What is the account number for oic when making payment for school fees at the Bank?
What are the aims, objectives and roles of opportunities industrialization centre?
OIcs goal is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and unemployment among the Ghanaian youth. OICs objective is to become the leading and self sustaining vocational technical institute which produces competent graduates for the Ghanaian industry. OICs role is to help equip any body who wishes to acquire skills in any of the courses offered with the maximum training that he/she requires.
What is the fees for a program per term and are there boarding or hostel facilities?
What are the requirements for entry
Please is OIC under Waec?
What are the aims, objectives and roles of opportunities industrialization centre?

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