Agape House New Testament Church - Accra, Ghana

Embracing love and community through faith.
1 Review
Agape House New Testament Church
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Church name
Agape House New Testament Church
Lagos Avenue, East Legon, Accra, Ghana
Working hours
  • Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Sunday: 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
E-mail address
Company description
Agape House New Testament Church is a family of disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are a community of people who live in joyful communion with Christ resulting in His character, compassion, and charisma (giftings) growing in us as we seek to win others to Him.
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Dear Rev. Whitcomb,

I am Abena. Today, I arrived at Agape House at 5pm all ready for the Saturday Church. At 5:30pm I headed to the church auditorium. The security guy stopped me and demanded that I do not enter the auditorium with my bag( it was a laptop bag which had all my other belongings in there, like purse, laptop ,etc). I told him I couldn’t leave it with him at least not today since that was all I had with me with all my belongings. To my surprise, he still insisted I either leave my bag at the security post ( of which he even cannot guarantee secured since he would close at 6 or 6:30pm) . I pleaded with him to have a look at what was in my bag (which obviously was a laptop, some documents which was sealed in an envelope, an Umbrella and my money which I just redrew from the bank). I told him several times but he still did not allow me access to the auditorium. To my dismay, there were two just ordained pastors present who also witnessed what was going on ( sorry I do not know their names but they were two out of the 3 pastors who were just ordained, one is the personal assistant to Rev. Whitcomb. ) In thé end, I had to head home since they still did not agree. Honestly, I have never been this disappointed especially with the turn of events this evening. And to my surprise, I saw two people enter with two bags even bigger than mine. My question is do I have to be a star or a rich person or be a worker at Agape or a prominent person to be allowed access into Agape house now? Or what is the criteria for checking bag and asking one to keep their bags outside? Honestly, I live far away and I happen to rent a place around so decided to worship with Apage but for what I have seen and this kind of embarrassment, I think it would be better I find myself another church. My kind advise to management is to remember that for Saturday service some people come to church from work. It is likely they can come along with laptop bags rather than the normal bags we see every day. For that matter, you should sometimes be considerate when a member explains situations. At least please be considerate besides we all come to church to learn. Just because of a bag, I couldn’t fellowship with my maker. I just don’t get it.

Abena, ********
I can relate with your pain Abena, and I think this is more of an experience issue, If Agape House doesn’t want you entering the church with your bag, they should make you feel safe leaving your bag with someone or somewhere.

Key word being, they should make you feel comfortable and safe, regardless of how they manage you leaving your property, so that you don’t stay in service and keep thinking about your bag. It should feel just like leaving your bags in the car or even better.

They could also build a safe house for properties and have small boxes with entitled keys for the users.

There are so many ways around to make users feel safe about their property, and I think it’s worth looking into for them.

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