Intercity STC Coaches Ltd. - Takoradi, Ghana
Reliable transport services for comfortable travel.
Intercity STC Coaches Ltd.
2 Reviews
Intercity STC Coaches Ltd.Axim Road0312023351, 0557943605
- Verified
Company name
Intercity STC Coaches Ltd.
Axim Road, Takoradi, Ghana
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 24 hrs
- Tuesday: 24 hrs
- Wednesday: 24 hrs
- Thursday: 24 hrs
- Friday: 24 hrs
- Saturday: 24 hrs
- Sunday: 24 hrs
E-mail address
Company description
In January 1968, the Government also created a haulage division to cater for the haulage of both dry and wet cargo. This was also handed over to STC to manage as a bulk haulage division, to function alongside the passenger division. STC was later incorporated in June 1995 as a Limited Liability Company under Ghana’s Companies Act, 1962, (Act 179) in the name, State Transport Company Limited. Over the years, the company has gone through changes and is now known as the Intercity STC Coaches Limited since 2003 October.
To be the leader in the road passenger transport industry in Ghana and the ECOWAS sub-region
To consistently and profitably deliver the safest, most comfortable and reliable road transport and allied services using highly motivated and competent workforce and state of the art facilities to meet the aspirations of all stakeholders.
To be the leader in the road passenger transport industry in Ghana and the ECOWAS sub-region
To consistently and profitably deliver the safest, most comfortable and reliable road transport and allied services using highly motivated and competent workforce and state of the art facilities to meet the aspirations of all stakeholders.
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Intercity STC Coaches Ltd.Axim Road0312023351, 0557943605
There is more room for improvement
I was on board one of STC buses to Abidjan on 23rd September 2018 and back to Ghana through same medium on 29th September, 2018. The bus is comfortable considering we did about 12 hours both ways and i had no complaints with respect to seat and space.I commend the service provider for having two drivers for every trip considering the travel distance. I also thought it was commendable to have some food (koko and bread) served although i think the food can be improved. A little milk and magarine/butter won't hurt. This gesture was however not repeated on the return trip. We also had some delay issues: about 30 minutes for the first trip and 10 minutes for the return.
Both ways, I had persons loading luggage openly and shamelessly ask for a tip and on the return trip, one officer was seen conniving with a boarder official to extort money from travelers without their yellow card. It is unclear why a fee of 163 cedis is demanded as the fare from Accra but the ticket shows 120 cedis as the fare. The fare from Abidjan is said to be ********cefa and the break down on the ticket shows ******** for the fare and 5000 for international passage. Some clarity on these will be very helpful.
We had so many unapproved stops with no prior notification to passengers about reason or stops. My worst nightmare was the tiny cockroaches! Please STC, you've got to fumigate the buses! Humans can't co-exist with these pest. I look forward to another trip with fewer comments.
Both ways, I had persons loading luggage openly and shamelessly ask for a tip and on the return trip, one officer was seen conniving with a boarder official to extort money from travelers without their yellow card. It is unclear why a fee of 163 cedis is demanded as the fare from Accra but the ticket shows 120 cedis as the fare. The fare from Abidjan is said to be ********cefa and the break down on the ticket shows ******** for the fare and 5000 for international passage. Some clarity on these will be very helpful.
We had so many unapproved stops with no prior notification to passengers about reason or stops. My worst nightmare was the tiny cockroaches! Please STC, you've got to fumigate the buses! Humans can't co-exist with these pest. I look forward to another trip with fewer comments.
Intercity STC Coaches Ltd.Axim Road0312023351, 0557943605
In my opinion, STC still hasn't learnt an lessons as to why they collapsed. Buses to Abidjan are leaving more than an hour late . staff expect me to have the exact fare amount since they always don't have change and the loaders openly beg for money. Please,take your staff to your competitor,VIP to study their operations.
Thank you
Edmond Agyekum
Thank you
Edmond Agyekum
Questions & Answers
What is the STC fare from Takoradi to Wa
Does stc accept parcel?
Time and days of your departures.
Please what is the stc fare from Sunyani to Takoradi
What time does buses from Takoradi to Accra move on sundays.
When do buses from takoradi to Accra take off on Fridays
Branches 12
Opp. Mellody Hotel, Kumasi
Near Police Station, Wa
Near Border, Aflao
Opp. Regional Police Hq., Bolgatanga
Opp. Police Station, Tamale
Greenwich Meridian Rd, Tema
Near Polytechnic, Sunyani
No.1 Adjuma Cres, Accra
Behind Police Head Quarters, Cape Coast
Verified Business
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