Goodwill Driving Academy - Tema, Ghana
Goodwill Driving Academy
1 Review
Goodwill Driving AcademySenaky Plaza, Near Main Station, Ashaiman
School name
Goodwill Driving Academy
Senaky Plaza, Near Main Station, Ashaiman, Tema, Ghana
Mobile phone
Listed in categories
Goodwill Driving AcademySenaky Plaza, Near Main Station, Ashaiman
The mobile number given needs to be changed because the owner is no longer a proprietor of the school. More information needs to be included to the info and location given. I think that would help alot to learn more about the school.
Questions & Answers
Am 23 years old and I want driving lessons andlicensing please how much it will cost and how long
Am 20year old I need driving lessons with a lic
Please what is the charge and the duration of the training .
Please what is the charge and the duration of the training .
My 27 year old son needs driving lessons/with a lic.
What are the costs as I will be paying these fees.? What is the duration of the lic.
and timing of the lessons.? Also what is the charge for up grade to a larger vehicle?
What are the costs as I will be paying these fees.? What is the duration of the lic.
and timing of the lessons.? Also what is the charge for up grade to a larger vehicle?
Branches 2
Barcadis Block, Comm. 4, Tema
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