National Service Scheme - NSS Ghana - Accra

Promoting youth development and community service.
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National Service Scheme - NSS Ghana
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National Service Scheme - NSS Ghana
46 Patrice Lumumba Road, Airport Residential Area, Accra, Ghana
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Company description
The Ghana National Service Scheme was established in 1973 by a Military Decree (N. R. C. D 208) with the mandate to mobilize and deploy Ghanaian citizens of 18 years and above especially newly qualified University graduates on national priority development programmes that contribute to improving the quality of life of the ordinary Ghanaian for a one year mandatory national service.

The Scheme was later given statutory legitimacy under the 1979 Constitution of Ghana with the thrust of N.R.C.D 208 being upheld. The National Service Act of 1980, Act 426 was then promulgated and passed by the Parliament of Ghana to give legal and constitutional backing to the scheme. The mandate of the Scheme remained the same and the duration of service was extended from one to two years under this Act.  
Show more The Act which was brought into force in 1982, further stipulated a six month military orientation for the service personnel to instil in them a sense of discipline, patriotism and a culture of hard work.

In 1997, a Cabinet decision reduced the duration of the service to one year following a recommendation from the Ministry of Education which has oversight responsibilities over the Scheme. The Scheme has since been operating on the provisions of Act 426 of 1980 which provides the legal framework and direction for programme design and implementation. The Scheme, since its inception has become the institutional option for the Ghanaian youth especially tertiary education graduates to exercise their civic responsibility towards the state through service.
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Questions & Answers

Please When will the NSS 2020/2021 posting be out?
I registered for my nss last year. Unfortunately, I couldn't do my service. I got my pin and nss number from last year's registration. How do I do my service this year?
I registered for my nss last year. Unfortunately, I couldn't do my service. How do I do it this year?
I didn't get my nss certificate and unfortunately too I don't remember nss number neither do I have the ID card as well. What do I do to get my certificate.
I did my service in 2012-2013 with Anglo Gold Ashanti obuasi mine
I want to continue my reposting so pls ignore the question
Pls I requested for reposting and I wanted to stop it but the person say it can't be reverse because it is on processing but like the already posted school
Pls I want to come for nss certificate but I vw forgotten my nss number
I was supposed to do my national service last year but i couldn't. I have the school's code for last year. Can i use that or should i go for a new one?
Why is it that students have pay 40ghc before they can be given pin code.

Will the said students pay again before taking their nss certificate.
Please i don't have any of the ID cards for registration. However, i have a voter ID with the number but no image on it. Can i use that for the registration process?
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