Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals - Accra, Ghana

1 Review
Company name
Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals
Coplan Hse. Kojo Thompson Rd,, Accra, Ghana
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1 Review
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some of your expired drugs are stocked in some pharmacies in town, i was unfortunate to be a victim of that, before I realized I've drunk the drug which has expired 1yr -9months ago thus Halfan 250mg
That has nothing to do with the company but the bottom supply chain. Those pharmacies in town are supposed to check and restock their shelves almost everyday. they are not following proper protocol when it comes to policies related to healthcare. That drug store in town is the reason you consumed expired drugs and technically, you suppose to sue those pharmacy stores. They don't pay attention to details. the Company supply medications which are not expired hence the reason they have expiring dates on the manufactures products. You are also at fault for not checking expiring dates. That should have been the first thing to do before consuming anything.

Questions & Answers

What pricing strategy does the company use in the long run.
What is the email adress for your acrra office
Where can I find in Accra yr pharmaceutical product RELVAR ELLIPTA POWDER 92/22 MICROGRAMS?
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