Mole National Park - Tamale, Ghana

Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
Mole National Park
  • Verified
Company name
Mole National Park
Mole Motel & National Park Damongo, Tamale, Ghana
Contact number
233 24 4316777 / 233 27 7564444
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Company description
Mole National Park and Motel. Mole National Park is Ghana's largest national park, situated in the heart of the pristine Guinea Savannah Woodland ecosystem with low hills and escarpments. The scenic drive to Mole, though a first class road, will leave you, an adventurous visitor, nothing but an experience to always cherish and remember. The park covers about 4,577 square kilometers.

Mole offers you a truly peaceful setting for relaxing while enjoying the wonders of nature and the warmth of local hospitality. You won't come this far for nothing.


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