Ghana Prisons Service - Nsawam

Rehabilitation and security in Ghana's correctional system.
Ghana Prisons Service
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Ghana Prisons Service
Nsawam, Ghana
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Penal system in the Gold Coast started in an irregular manner from the early 1800s when the administration of the Forts on the coast was in the hands of a committee of merchants under the chairmanship of Captain George Maclean, who exercised criminal jurisdiction not only in the Forts but also outside them. By 1841, a form of the prison had been established in the Cape Coast Castle where debtors, possibly, were incarcerated. By 1850, there were prisons in four Forts, holding a total of 129 prisoners who were kept in chains. From 1875, when the Gold Coast was formally created as a colony, British criminal jurisdiction was gradually extended to the entire southern part of present-day Ghana and in 1876, the Gold Coast Prison Ordinance, modeled on the English Prisons Act of 1865, was  
Show more introduced. The caretaker functions of the early prisons which consisted of mere rules for the safe-keeping of prisoners were established in the 1880 Prisons Ordinance.

The unsatisfactory state of the prisons in the years that followed led to the placing of the Prisons Department under the Police Administration. In 1920, however, as a result of the increased number of Prison Establishment and staff, the Police and the Prisons Departments were again separated, and the Prisons Department placed under an Inspector-General of Prisons. By 1948, there were twenty-nine(29) Establishments all over the country. On 1st January 1964, the Prisons Department became autonomous and ceased to be part of the Civil Service and renamed Ghana Prisons Service. The Ghana Prisons Service is tasked with the safe custody of convicted persons from the courts as well as the provision of reformation and rehabilitation programmes for their successful resettlement into society. Our cherished values are humanity, vigilance, and fortitude.
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Good morning
Please are prisoners allowed to use mobile phones, no matter their position or offense?
I attended Bible School with one gentleman whose name I cannot remember. I hear he was tried and jailed by the economic crime court of Ghana 3-5 years or so ago. Please do you have photos of inmates for identification purposes so I can follow up. What should I do? Counting on your cooperation.
Please how do I get some of the in mates to work on my farm. I want to know the process to take.
I have been informed my friend is in Nsawam Prison and he has asked me to send him money for his release his name is SILVA EDDIE KAY from Calafornia and is 51 years old.
He was jailed on 30th January 2017 for 24 months.
I would be grateful for your help.
I have been informed that my friend is in Nsawam prison and I have been asked to send money. Can you confirm that he is being held there? His name is Richard Peter Hyne. They are asking for quite a large sum of money. I would be grateful for your help. Thank you.

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