Rent Control Office - Kumasi, Ghana
Affordable housing regulation in Kumasi, Ghana.
Rent Control Office
1 Review
Rent Control OfficeBompata0322024023
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Company name
Rent Control Office
Bompata, Kumasi, Ghana
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Company description
Rent control department is one of the departments of the Ministry of Works and housing. It was established in 1963 by an act of parliament, The Rent Control Act 1963, Act 220 an LI. 369/64. The department provides administrative and professional service to the public and works in collaboration with landlords and tenants to promote optimum peaceful coexistence through education, reconciliation and economic development in the country.
Our services include assessment of recoverable rent, issuance of rent card to clients, recovery of possession of premises, and reference of Rent Officer’s determination to Rent Magistrate for enforcement or otherwise.
Our services include assessment of recoverable rent, issuance of rent card to clients, recovery of possession of premises, and reference of Rent Officer’s determination to Rent Magistrate for enforcement or otherwise.
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Rent Control OfficeBompata0322024023
I'm very confused
Please I'm Adu-Gyamfi,I'm a tenant at Ramsyer.I rented the house for 2years,which ended on 25/03/22.My mom told the Landlord to give me sometime to look for a house,but the Landlord said no i should live the house immediately.Please i don't have any place to take my things to.So please i need your help
Questions & Answers
Good evening, I want to ask question concerned about the water bill in rental house is it possible landlord would share bill without tenant seeing the bill?
When a tenant rent payment expires is it obligatory to give him or her three months before he or she is evicted
Please I want to know should a landlord refund all your money if she wants to evict you from the rented room without deducting it from the number of months you've lived in the room
Good morning ,please I am a tenant who rented a single room for three years,with monthly of 70 cedis at Afrancho,l stayed for only 7 months and left because of what the landlord was doing.I want to know for how long does it take for the landlord to pay me the balance,it’s 8 months now since I left that roo
My name is husband died in 2015.he left me rooms in his father's house.we are Muslims.his elder brother took some of the rooms from me after his death.can I fight for the rooms back and how?
Good afternoon,please I am a tenant who rented a single room for three years,with monthly of 70 cedis at Afrancho,l stayed for only 7 months and left because of what the landlord was doing.I want to know for how long does it take for the landlord to pay me the balance,it’s 8 months now since I left that room.
Am a landlord and someone rented my apartment for 2Years I told her she will pay 1200 but she has paid only 1000 remaining 200 Can we proceed to sign the tenancy agreement
Am i supposed to the 3 month given to me by my landlord to look for a new apartment when my time is due?
Please I rented a house for 2 years and paid ghc 1200 and l have been in the house for only 4 months but the landlord says she don't need me anymore in the house but subtracting the 4 months from the actual amount being paid and is it the right way ?
Can a land lord increase the rent from 15gh to 30gh and then to 60gh every two years?
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