Birth & Death Registry - Kumasi, Ghana

Birth & Death Registry
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Birth & Death Registry
Prempeh 1st Street, Kumasi, Ghana
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Company description
Vital registration in Ghana (the Gold Coast) began as far back as 1888. However, at its inception, it was registration of deaths. It was not until 1912 that the registration of births was introduced. The registration system has gone through a series of transformations just as the law establishing it has seen a number of amendments. All this was aimed at improving upon the final delivery system.

Starting as the Cemeteries Ordinance of 1888, it was first amended in 1891. In 1912, it became the Births and Deaths and Burials Ordinance, which once again amended in 1926. This was finally replaced with the Registration of Births and Deaths Act of 1965, (Act 301) which is the legislation currently in force.

The Births and Deaths Registry was therefore established by the Act 301 of 1965,  
Show more within the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, to handle and develop the births and deaths registration system in Ghana. Its core business is to provide accurate and reliable information on all births and deaths occurring within Ghana for Socio-economic development of the Country through their registration and certification.
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Death and Birth Registry
deaths and births
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Questions & Answers

I applied for a 1month 3weeks birth certificate and the time is past up to now I haven’t received any alert. Can you guys help me out of this?? I really need it urgently
How much will it cost for the birth certificate registration if I'm not haven
I want to do my my birth certificate but I was not born in the asante region
Please I got my birth certificate today but there is mistake in my name. Please how can i correct it and how many days will it take?
How can I trace or find the date of birth of my spouse who was born in Kumasi?
I applied for birth cert last year November 26th and I still Haven't received it, I urgently need it too
You guys should help me out please
Please I will like to remove one of my names in my birth certificate. Is it possible ??
If yes what is required?
Please I applied for a birth certificate on February and I haven't received it yet
The arrangement of my name on the certificate is wrong. How do I make the correction?
Please my birth certificate is lost can in do new one and if yes what are the requirements for the new one.
View all 23 questions

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