Questions & Answers for Sab Dental Clinic - Tema, Ghana
Here you will find questions & answers for Sab Dental Clinic. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or GhanaYello users.
Please how much does it cost for someone to wear braces
How much it will cost if your mouth is smile and it will take how many days for treatment
How much will it cost if I remove a tooth and replace it with another one?
How much would it cost to fix braces for my upper teeth?
I want to fix braces for my upper teeth how much will it cost
Can i whiten my teeth at sab dental clinic
Please I would like to fix braces for my upper teeth.How much would it cost ?
Please I would like to fixed braces to straighten my upper and lower teeth how much would it cost please
I need braces to straighten my upper and lower teeth! How much will it cost please
I want to do dental brasses on the upper teeth, how much is it going to cost me
Can you close a gap(3jr3) just a little bit/ how much will it cost?