Nasona Guest House - Tamale, Ghana
Nasona Guest House
1 Review
Nasona Guest HouseBolga Rd., Nasona Filling Station0372023680
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Nasona Guest House
Bolga Rd., Nasona Filling Station, Tamale, Ghana
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Nasona Guest HouseBolga Rd., Nasona Filling Station0372023680
This review is specifically for the Nasona Guest house in Bolga. My experience there was awful. They practice discrimination and i will not go back there or encourage anyone i know to go there. There are other better guest houses in town. I got to Bolga around 9pm at Easter weekend 2012 and the cab driver took me to Nasona guest house. When we got there we were told that all the air-conditioned rooms were occupied and that there was only one room with a fan. We informed the caretaker that we were going across the street to X tee hotel to see if there were any rooms available. Unfortunately it was fully booked as it was Easter weekend and there was a big convention in town. When we returned to Nasona, we were told that "someone was on his way from Walewale to take the room" we had asked to be held for us. The excuse was so flimsy that the cab driver and myself knew exactly what was going on, discrimination. We felt disappointed but not too mad. Did not expect that in Bolgatanga. The bathrooms there were also very filthy. I will not recommend Nasona guest house in Bolgatanga to anyone. There are more friendly and better places around town in Bolgatanga.
Nasona guest house in bolga is a very nice place. they do not practice discrimination as you think. their service and accommodation are perfect that's why the air conditioned rooms were not available. they were already booked. it was easter weekend as you claimed. and majority of people needed accommodation and of course it was booked. the only option you had was the room with the fan. but you didn't like it and went to another guest house only to come back and found out somebody already booked it. and they cant held the room for you. Its business if only you get a better place in where you went, you wouldn't have come back.the caretakers are there to do their jobs us instructed by their manager. its business and im sorry to say majority of people come there everyday and their bathrooms are so perfect a lot of people praise the manager everyday. if you don't like the guest house nobody care beside you did not even spent the night there.i like the guest house and I will recommend people there. God has already bless it for people that's why its still available till now and people still go there. I forbid you for saying such things about the guest house. a friendly advice to you. wise people think before they act fools don't, and even brag about it. and exactly what you are doing. take this advice and it will help you in future thanks.
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