Ghana National Fire Service Training School - Accra
Training firefighters for effective emergency response.
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Ghana National Fire Service Training School
James Town, Accra, Ghana
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Company description
To prevent and manage undesired fires, thereby reducing loss of lives and properties by enforcement of Fire Safety measures in national strategic installations and responding promptly to fire disasters.
The Ghana National Fire Service is committed to providing an efficient and valued fire and rescue service to meet statutory required in Act 537 and public expectation.
This will be achieved through appropriate resourcing in terms of equipment, appliances, and premises and by effectively training personnel.
We are confident that we can maintain and improve public safety from fire and other emergencies, thereby protecting the people, industry, crops and the vegetation.
To prevent and manage undesired fires, thereby reducing loss of lives and properties by enforcement of Fire Safety measures in national strategic installations and responding promptly to fire disasters.
The Ghana National Fire Service is committed to providing an efficient and valued fire and rescue service to meet statutory required in Act 537 and public expectation.
This will be achieved through appropriate resourcing in terms of equipment, appliances, and premises and by effectively training personnel.
We are confident that we can maintain and improve public safety from fire and other emergencies, thereby protecting the people, industry, crops and the vegetation.
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Questions & Answers
Where is fire academy and training school located in Accra with their GPS
How many months does it take for a recruited personeel to complete fire service training?
Please can i get your contact
Who is the head of the ghana national fire service
When will another forms come out pl.?
Pls when will the 2018 forms will be out? And pls is it Ghana Commercial Bank I will get some ?
I saw on the internet that the 2017/2017 fire service forms are out but anytime I go to the bank they keep telling me they are not yet in. I want to know if they are really out
Pls the forms was out on the 11th of December and even the online application was also opened on 14th of December so pls go get urs at Ghana Commercial Bank only ok
Pls it only Accra that fire service training school can be fine in Ghana
What is the cost of the form
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