The Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICA Ghana) - Accra
Professional accounting body ensuring excellence in Ghana.
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The Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICA Ghana)
ICAG Complex, Okponglo, East Legon, Accra, Ghana
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ICA Ghana
The Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) was established by an Act of parliament, Act 170, in 1963. It is the sole body charged with the regulation of the accountancy profession in Ghana. Its members are the only persons recognized under the Companies Code (Act 179) 1963, for the purpose of audit of company accounts. It is governed by a council of eleven chartered accountants. The Council, headed by a President, holds office for a period of two years.
Institute currently runs two distinct programmes.
(a) The Professional Programme.
(b) The Technician programme, known as Accounting Technician Scheme West Africa (ATSWA).
A candidate who successfully completes the professional programme and obtain a working experience in accountancy, approved by the Council of
Since the mid-sixties, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) has been providing accountancy training at both technician and professional levels. However, in those early days, pass rates at various levels were impeded by the non-availability of reading materials for students. This trend experienced a turn around, in the 80s and has seen a major boost since accounting manuals for the four (levels) were introduced in November 2008.
The establishment of the ICAG School in June 2009 augmented the Institute’s effort to provide readily available tuition to prospective and regular students on part-time and regular streams.
This tie in with the Institute’s bid to provide quality tuition at the four levels (that is, Parts 1-4) in a conducive learning environment at the ICAG School located at Okponglo, East Legon, along the Trinity Theological Seminary-IPS Road.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) was established by an Act of parliament, Act 170, in 1963. It is the sole body charged with the regulation of the accountancy profession in Ghana. Its members are the only persons recognized under the Companies Code (Act 179) 1963, for the purpose of audit of company accounts. It is governed by a council of eleven chartered accountants. The Council, headed by a President, holds office for a period of two years.
Institute currently runs two distinct programmes.
(a) The Professional Programme.
(b) The Technician programme, known as Accounting Technician Scheme West Africa (ATSWA).
A candidate who successfully completes the professional programme and obtain a working experience in accountancy, approved by the Council of
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the |Institute., qualifies to use the designatory letter ‘CA’ after his/her name.Since the mid-sixties, the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Ghana) has been providing accountancy training at both technician and professional levels. However, in those early days, pass rates at various levels were impeded by the non-availability of reading materials for students. This trend experienced a turn around, in the 80s and has seen a major boost since accounting manuals for the four (levels) were introduced in November 2008.
The establishment of the ICAG School in June 2009 augmented the Institute’s effort to provide readily available tuition to prospective and regular students on part-time and regular streams.
This tie in with the Institute’s bid to provide quality tuition at the four levels (that is, Parts 1-4) in a conducive learning environment at the ICAG School located at Okponglo, East Legon, along the Trinity Theological Seminary-IPS Road.
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Questions & Answers
Please how many years does it take for one to charter??
What is the relationship between accounting theory and accounting practice
Can a student cancell his or her exams sitting after registration has been fully completed?
Please what is the salary of a chartered accountant enforced by law
Please with ACCA Part what will be the exemption for ica course?
Please with ACCA Part what will be the exemption for ica course?
How do i apply for the course? how do i get the forms?
How do Log onto the faculty? I am still having challenges doing so.
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