
About the product
Tangkama is an internet based application accessible via any internet enabled hand-held device. It is a courier service plugin that allows any individual with a courier service need to initiate, execute, monitor, and evaluate a courier service request from anywhere so long as they have access to an internet* enabled hand-held device. It is available On-Demand.

Download our App on Google Play and iOS App Stores. Install and register. Easy!

Initiate, schedule, moderate, review and evaluate all courier service request from the comfort of your internet enabled hand held device or PC. With Tangkama App, one can request, track, make payments, evaluate/rate service providers all in one interface.

Leave the hustle of navigating through traffic and stress of city living to us. Sit back and relax as we sort out all things that need your attention without needing your presence.

Tangkama is Convenience!

Welcome to Convenience
Deliveries from as low as GHc 1.99
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