Noble Realty Ltd. - Accra, Ghana

Trusted real estate services in Accra, Ghana.
3 Reviews
Noble Realty Ltd.
Noble Realty Ltd.
  • Verified
Company name
Noble Realty Ltd.
30 Ayitebu Street, Near Citi FM, Adabraka, Accra, Ghana
Website address
Working hours
  • Monday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
We help clients to buy, sell and rent real estate and properties in Prampram in Ghana
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3 Reviews
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Nobel Realty is a fraudulent company. It seems their modus operandi is to sell land they do not own
I made a purchase of a number of plots from them so many years ago and over the period they kept telling me about problems with the land and replacing the plots for me while each time coming back to tell me there was a problem with the new plots of land. Their modus operandi is to trap you with hidden clauses in their contracts to make it near impossible for you to win a suit against them or to get your money back. They will frustrate you till you give up and then they will move on to the next victim. When they want your business, they are the nicest people but once you start demanding a refund, they will start telling you a bunch of annoying things, such as go to court or do whatever you like. They do not even respond to phone calls.
Noble Realty
an acquaintance introduced me to nobel realty. The fact is this. They seem so nice and professional. I even received an indenture. I was informed paper work was being handled my lands. Waited for four months. Found out the land NOBEL realty is selling in Prampram is under serious litigation. Go ahead and do the search. All excuses from different staff with different takes on the matter. Please, any body who is ready to buy a piece of land should be careful. Nobel realty knows well that their land is under litigation. This is not the first time. my attorney told me its best we take them to court. When i decided to do so, then they gave me $4500. My attorneys office said I was lucky. Beware, they are not who they say they are.
I bought 2 plots of land from Noble in December 18 through a good friend of mine. I began building a wall around the plots in march 19,only to get information from the builders who were almost done, that its a litigated land,and someone came and tore down parts of the wall. Feedback from staff on the issue is virtually non existent,they keep giving excuses and all am being told is the police are handling the situation. Very dissapointed in the way this company handles its clients,and i plan on getting a refund of taking them to court soon.

Questions & Answers

Why don't you pick calls from ur clients?

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