Biofil Toilet Ghana - Accra

Sustainable sanitation solutions for Ghana's communities.
Biofil Toilet Ghana
Biofil Toilet Ghana
Biofil Toilet Ghana
Biofil Toilet Ghana
  • Verified
  • +6Years
    With Us
Company name
Biofil Toilet Ghana
3rd floor, Nana Premperh tower, 27th Heartslane Avenue kokomlemle, Accra, Ghana
Contact number
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Working hours
  • Monday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Thursday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Friday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Saturday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
  • Sunday: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Company manager
Robert Cudjoe
Establishment year
E-mail address
Company description
BIOFIL TOILETS GHANA is an innovative company which install, construct and build Biofil Toilet Digester which is an innovative on-site waste water treatment option that offers integrated treatment of sewage in a manner that poses minimal risk to the environment and public health, and the opportunity of sustainable economic returns on natural biological treatment of waste in the long term.
It is a technology that works by providing an enclosed environment for natural process of aerobic decomposition of faeces including toilet paper and degradable materials. The digester is constructed as a living filter where oxygen inflow into the vault allows the seeds (bacteria, fungi, macro-organisms) within to degrade solids at the top layer aerobically and liquid are filter into the lower layers  
Show more before being directed out of digester through a pipe into constructed drain field or collected and treated for reuse
The Biofil System that we construct is a passive decentralized wastewater treatment system that uses aerobic decomposition and macro-organisms to break down waste. The typical digester accommodates 10 users and can be scaled to meet larger waste demands. The digester can also be modified to treat waste from existing septic tanks or treat sludge from other toilet systems. Efficiency of treatment and user capacity can be maximized by adding a “micro flush” option which uses hand-washing greywater for flushing.
Biofil Toilet Ghana builds Biofil Toilet Systems that can be applied to replace the septic tanks for water-closet system; correct existing failed septic tanks and replaced non-flush systems/micro-flush system in places where water supply is an issue. In a waterlog area to dig a septic tank is an issue therefore Biofil Toilet Digester will be a perfect one in replacement of the conventional septic tank as we have built and construct biofil toilet system in Accra, Tema, Kumasi, Takoradi and other regions in Ghana as a whole
The Advantages that comes with the construction and install of a Biofil Toilet System is numerous because Water can be reused for landscaping. They eliminate the possibility of costly site remediation and clean-up. The system eliminates water and air contamination. Prevention of diseases as there is no direct contact with the excreta. No odour or sludge accumulation to attract flies that can cause or spread diseases. It promotes good sanitation practice. The digester is cheaper than the conventional septic tank.
Listed in categories
Building MaintenanceConstructionHandymanConcreteBuildings
overflow toilets & clogging toilets
Septic tank problems
toilets installers in Accra
biofil installers & toilets problem
Biofil toilets in Ghana


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Questions & Answers

I been thinking of constructing a biofil for sometime now. My biggest problem is that, I stay at Kasoa and there is no drain in my area where the waste water will be directed. Can you still construct the facility.

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