Liams Foundation - Accra, Ghana
Supporting children with disabilities in Ghana.
Liams Foundation
1 Review
Liams Foundation36C.Comm, 16, Lashibi, Accra - Ghana0303966790
- Verified
Listing - +8Years
With Us
Company name
Liams Foundation
36C.Comm, 16, Lashibi, Accra - Ghana
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:30
- Tuesday: 8:30
- Wednesday: 8:30
- Thursday: 8:30
- Friday: 8:30
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Ebenezer Establishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Liams foundation Ghana is an NGO with it source from USA and supported by Franklin Junior foundation.liams foundation is fired by the drive towards advocacy, development and carrying direct humanitarian services to the people where government falls short.
our mission is to serve as a conduit towards the improvement in the socio-economic, health, education, and human rights of orphans, the disabled,vulnerable children and women in society through a highly motivated staff, dutifully loyal towards the provision of these services, while helping to bring back smiles to the faces of the miserable.
our mission is to serve as a conduit towards the improvement in the socio-economic, health, education, and human rights of orphans, the disabled,vulnerable children and women in society through a highly motivated staff, dutifully loyal towards the provision of these services, while helping to bring back smiles to the faces of the miserable.
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Liams Foundation36C.Comm, 16, Lashibi, Accra - Ghana0303966790
i started my NGO already so I
think this coming new year....LET'S GET REAL and help this children!! A
lot of what we focus on around here are the poor, needy, suffering,
broken people in this world and how we can help. I found myself caught
up in listening to a radio program yesterday. Way FM posed the question "
Why would a merciful God allow suffering, starvation and poverty?"...or
something like that. please help the poor, needy, suffering in the
world. for this children really needs your help, please help them for
God will reward you 10 times for that you have done
think this coming new year....LET'S GET REAL and help this children!! A
lot of what we focus on around here are the poor, needy, suffering,
broken people in this world and how we can help. I found myself caught
up in listening to a radio program yesterday. Way FM posed the question "
Why would a merciful God allow suffering, starvation and poverty?"...or
something like that. please help the poor, needy, suffering in the
world. for this children really needs your help, please help them for
God will reward you 10 times for that you have done
Questions & Answers
Hello I am a graduate of the University for Development Studies and I want to work with you organisationThe best way to hurt a man is to Reject His Money what do I need to do.
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