MIDA - Accra, Ghana

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P.O.BOX 56, Accra, Ghana
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(233) 021 66 65 79
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Company description
The Millennium Development Authority was enacted by the President of the Republic of Ghana and Parliament of Ghana through act 702 on 23rd March, 2006. An amendment to act 702, hereby called act 709 was assented to on 20th July, 2006. The objectives of the Authority are three fold: 1. To oversee and manage the implementation of the Ghana Programme under the Millennium Challenge Account of the United States Government for sustainable reduction of poverty through growth as contained in the Compact; 2. To secure the proper and effective utilisation of the Millennium Development Fund granted to Ghana under the Compact; and 3. To oversee and manage other national development programmes of similar nature funded by the Government of Ghana, Development Partners or by both.


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